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Comments 9

siren May 24 2015, 01:35:52 UTC
Thanks for fixing the broken images. I like the "morose" layout a lot.


allseeingusagi May 25 2015, 05:12:03 UTC
Still here, and I'm glad you are too! At least for right now, heh~

Oh, thanks for fixing up those broken images.
I really like that second layout, very nice.

I've been trying to get into LJ coding, especially since I'm here much more often.
But it looks like you and I are studying the same coding languages.
I'm just learning on my own, but I'm having a blast (especially in Python).


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allseeingusagi May 25 2015, 15:41:34 UTC
PHP has a lot of potential, especially because it's used in a lot of back-end stuff. When I first learned it (like four years or so ago), I was pretty crazy about it. I even made a password only community and handed out some dummy accounts to my friends to try, ahahaha. But it's been a while since I last touched it. There is a lot to get through. For me, I think it's one of the messier codes.

Oh, I looooved Notepad ++ when I had my Windows, but since I'm on Mac, I use Komodo Edit (which is my favourite), TextMate, and Sublime as well. Python has been really fun for me because I've been making basic text adventure games with it, ahaha. I've used both it and Javascript in the same way (for text games), and I lean more towards JS for the games. I think I prefer Python overall as a code though. It and Ruby on Rails paired with HTML and CSS.

(Wow, this comment is all over the place.)


flyssa May 27 2015, 05:13:50 UTC
Morose is absolutely beautiful omg


songbirds May 28 2015, 02:28:45 UTC
Question - are these FlexiSquares or Minimalist or what exactly? :\ I am reeeeally rusty with installing LJ layouts but I've tried a bunch of themes and can't get Rebellion theme to display right.


kyoy June 22 2015, 04:55:17 UTC
Same question.

Your submitted post @ mintyapple is pending for now. I can either approve your current submission at MA with the appropriate tags for you, and you can edit the post after approval with the specific instructions, or you can submit an updated post - it really depends on your reply :)


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kyoy August 5 2015, 09:29:32 UTC
Approved the post :)

Feel free to edit the post, if you like - the post cuts off at the end (I think you were gonna link your comm?) and indicate what layout styles they are for less confusion (I can just add a comment on your post, but you might wanna do that yourself)


mizerablyme June 13 2015, 06:55:53 UTC
I love the Morose layout so much ♥


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