weird question...

Aug 08, 2005 01:43

so last monday at work i ate popcorn and i got a little kernel shell thing stuck behind my tooth. well its now sunday a week later and its STILL there! i know i sound retarded bc i cant freakin pick a piece of popcorn out of my teeth but its really swollen and it hurts like hell. so my question is should i go to the dentist or will i get made ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

luckyme2004 August 8 2005, 20:29:43 UTC
if its really swollen you should go to the dentist... u'll prolly get made fun of, but they wont say it to ur face. so i guess thats good... or you be a trooper and u pick it out urself!!

which ever makes u feel better is all that counts!

< 33333333333333333


dixienormous04 August 8 2005, 22:44:20 UTC
i agree at an angle... but i disagree ... fuck waht makes u feel better (in terms of mentality) ... it's your teeth, theyr'e important. if u can't get that out with a toothpick, hit a dentist real fast. They'll probably pop it out really fast, have u slide em a 20 dollar bill, and all'll be good.
People laughing at you is minute (my-noOt) compared to potentially having an infection or some tooth issue.

< 3


fleighisanerd August 8 2005, 23:03:20 UTC
well today at work i got some tweezers and spent my whole break trying to get it out which i FINALLY did. it felt sooo good like when you finally pee after holding it for a really long time. so thanks for the help guys but i managed to get the little booger.


dixienormous04 August 9 2005, 01:20:11 UTC
thank god for that.... now if the swelling doesn't go down though....


brokenwings714 August 9 2005, 16:17:32 UTC
haha leigh anne you crack me up.. big time.. fo sho... what the hook gone be?


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