Well, in an interview Jia Yiping said, they'd just started filming and he'd done a few scenes with Chen Daoming. Then Uncle Ming sent him a message saying something like, I am telling you solemnly, and I will only say this once, but I am very dissatisfied with your performance so far. You are acting using 小聪明 (uhh petty cleverness, unworthy tricks) when you have the potential to really bring out this character. And so Jia Yiping seeks out Guru Chen, they thrash out the character, and presumably Yiping-kun improves.
Yes Fan Li sees the same things as Wen Zhong does, sometimes more, but just doesn't have Wen Zhong's energy/devotion to duty/pig-headedness to see things through. Pity about the subs. =/
(but then who will be our empire-rebuilding beauty?)
Corrective AUs. Anything is possible, even happy endings!
ahaha art imitating life or vice versa? or was the corrective action before the scene in which Fan Li tries to impress Gou Jian by talking a blue streak only to have him walk off halfway?
Fan Li sees the same things as Wen Zhong does
And maybe in a more detached manner which e.g. allowed him to realize that Yue was headed for defeat with Wu, and later when he tells off Wen Zhong about letting Shi Mai et al form factions against him while he was working his ass off for Yue. Foreshadowing, ahoy!
Happi endo AU: exposition..exposition..exposition..oho! and hee! and awwwww ^_^ (the alternate 转世ending is also quite sweet, though)
(but then who will be our empire-rebuilding beauty?)
Utter awesomesauce by me would have been the same actress playing both parts but with different mannerisms, approach, dress, make-up, whatever, to distinguish between mature married noblewoman and innocent but determined country girl.
I don't think I feel like feeding that story through babelfish. In what way is the endo happi?
*wistful* That would have been nice. But the gimmick might have distracted attention from Zuo Xiaoqing's acting.
Happi Endo #1 In a sleepy hamlet in the middle of nowhere there one day appeared a white- robed gentleman and a lovely maiden, refined in manner and appearance. It's a strange place for such personages to turn up, but they kept to themselves and soon the villagers thought no more of them, nor of the fact that the gentleman would sit for hours under the same tree cradling a scabbard to himself. Such a shame, a fine-looking gentleman like that a poor fool
( ... )
I assume so. No idea about Xi Shi, didn't say. (who cares she's not important)
Happi Endo #2 starts off the same way except it has the villagers discovering Fan Li's bloody corpse and shell-shocked Xi Shi when they nosily visit their home. Of course this is the day Gou Jian died. Fan Li's suicide note says "I'm sorry." 2500 years later reincarnated (!!!) Fan Li i.e. Liu Dongbei has a minor accident and is sent to the hospital, there he meets reincarnated Gou Jian Dr. Song Jianping, Dongbei flirts shamelessly with Jianping and it is the start of a Beautiful Friendship.
I suppose it's too much to ask for an ending that's happy but not easy.
Er not sure if I'm reading this correctly but there is a passage in the first ending (after 范蠡张了张嘴却不知该说什么才好 i.e. Fan Li making like a goldfish) which says: 他虽在大王有归隐慨叹之意的时候提出了诈死脱身的计策,并趁着胆色还在时定下了约见之地,但在彼时彼地又是那种境况下说出的话,他却也不曾奢望大王会记在心里。所以当他得知越王驾薨的消息后,也只是抱着姑且一试的心态别过西施,单人独骑等在河边。事实上,他本已打算好日落后便投身于河水中殉身的,只是万万没有想到,大王,竟还记得他的话,并且真的来了。
"...although he had proposed the strategy of faking death to escape when the King had expressed a wish to retire, and had set a meeting place while he still had the courage, it had only been the talk of *that* time and place, and he had not dared to hope that the King would remember it. So when he had received the news of the Yue king's demise, he had bidden farewell to Xi Shi and ridden alone to the river, just to to try. In fact, he had already planned to throw himself into the river at sunset to follow his King in death, and he had never, never, thought that the King would actually have recalled his words, and really come."
OKIC. Thanks. For reasons best known to himself Gou Jian finally fakes his death (err- how?) and slips away to be with Fan Li. And Xi Shi vanishes because she never existed in the first place. (Oh. Plot bunny comes and nibbles on my shins. Must consider it.)
(dunno - maybe AU!Wen Zhong was in on the plot XD. IIRC historical!Gou Jian lived for 8 years after his final conquest of Wu and was succeeded by one of his many sons.)
rabbit pie, glorious rabbit pie! we're anxious to see it :p
It finally registers that 31_days isn't a *drabble* community but a *fic* community. Much more room for ideas. I think the rabbit fricassee may be done by the 16th.
Also, maiden? (for serious, story calls her 姑娘) Even asssuming she was, oh, twelve or something when Fan Li picked her up she'd be in her thirties when they reached the village. Hmm. Maybe she really is a fox spirit; might explain why men find her irresistable.
(fox spirits are known to be fiercely loyal to their benefactors but make fearsome enemies if betrayed.)
Your excellent translation has all the important bits, though ^_^
(I found the preceding parts of the original a tad tough to read, what with the EXPOSITION and the ELUCIDATION of everything that might possibly be going through Fan Li's head >_<)
I must say, this translation sounds better than the original. I actually kind of liked the second one -- who needs happily ever after when you can *really* be happily ever after in all your incarnations.
Speaking as one who has canon reincarnation in a main fandom, it only works if you both remember who you are. Otherwise it gets a bit heart-breaky. But reincarnating as all your other roles ain't a bad way to do it.
Yes Fan Li sees the same things as Wen Zhong does, sometimes more, but just doesn't have Wen Zhong's energy/devotion to duty/pig-headedness to see things through. Pity about the subs. =/
(but then who will be our empire-rebuilding beauty?)
Corrective AUs. Anything is possible, even happy endings!
ahaha art imitating life or vice versa? or was the corrective action before the scene in which Fan Li tries to impress Gou Jian by talking a blue streak only to have him walk off halfway?
Fan Li sees the same things as Wen Zhong does
And maybe in a more detached manner which e.g. allowed him to realize that Yue was headed for defeat with Wu, and later when he tells off Wen Zhong about letting Shi Mai et al form factions against him while he was working his ass off for Yue. Foreshadowing, ahoy!
Happi endo AU: exposition..exposition..exposition..oho! and hee! and awwwww ^_^
(the alternate 转世ending is also quite sweet, though)
Utter awesomesauce by me would have been the same actress playing both parts but with different mannerisms, approach, dress, make-up, whatever, to distinguish between mature married noblewoman and innocent but determined country girl.
I don't think I feel like feeding that story through babelfish. In what way is the endo happi?
Happi Endo #1 In a sleepy hamlet in the middle of nowhere there one day appeared a white- robed gentleman and a lovely maiden, refined in manner and appearance. It's a strange place for such personages to turn up, but they kept to themselves and soon the villagers thought no more of them, nor of the fact that the gentleman would sit for hours under the same tree cradling a scabbard to himself. Such a shame, a fine-looking gentleman like that a poor fool ( ... )
Mh yes OK happi endo just... mh well stock slash happi endo complete with coy allusions.
Happi Endo #2 starts off the same way except it has the villagers discovering Fan Li's bloody corpse and shell-shocked Xi Shi when they nosily visit their home. Of course this is the day Gou Jian died. Fan Li's suicide note says "I'm sorry." 2500 years later reincarnated (!!!) Fan Li i.e. Liu Dongbei has a minor accident and is sent to the hospital, there he meets reincarnated Gou Jian Dr. Song Jianping, Dongbei flirts shamelessly with Jianping and it is the start of a Beautiful Friendship.
I suppose it's too much to ask for an ending that's happy but not easy.
Er not sure if I'm reading this correctly but there is a passage in the first ending (after 范蠡张了张嘴却不知该说什么才好 i.e. Fan Li making like a goldfish) which says: 他虽在大王有归隐慨叹之意的时候提出了诈死脱身的计策,并趁着胆色还在时定下了约见之地,但在彼时彼地又是那种境况下说出的话,他却也不曾奢望大王会记在心里。所以当他得知越王驾薨的消息后,也只是抱着姑且一试的心态别过西施,单人独骑等在河边。事实上,他本已打算好日落后便投身于河水中殉身的,只是万万没有想到,大王,竟还记得他的话,并且真的来了。
"...although he had proposed the strategy of faking death to escape when the King had expressed a wish to retire, and had set a meeting place while he still had the courage, it had only been the talk of *that* time and place, and he had not dared to hope that the King would remember it. So when he had received the news of the Yue king's demise, he had bidden farewell to Xi Shi and ridden alone to the river, just to to try. In fact, he had already planned to throw himself into the river at sunset to follow his King in death, and he had never, never, thought that the King would actually have recalled his words, and really come."
rabbit pie, glorious rabbit pie! we're anxious to see it :p
(fox spirits are known to be fiercely loyal to their benefactors but make fearsome enemies if betrayed.)
(I found the preceding parts of the original a tad tough to read, what with the EXPOSITION and the ELUCIDATION of everything that might possibly be going through Fan Li's head >_<)
(Same. Skipped right to the happi endo and smex.)
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