The Secret Languages of Birthdays

Oct 14, 2007 17:33

I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes... I did not run this through spellcheck after typing it (although, in retrospect, I probably should have... oh well)

The Day of the Public Appearance

Those born on August 31 are very much concerned with being in the public eye themselves and/or helping others to make their way in society. THose born on this day are usually people who find themselves deeply involved with events occurring around them. Not only are they inevitably drawn in to the main currents of life, but they are also fated to stand out, sometimes in a quiet way, from those around them. Some August 31 people are entertaining, simply fun to be around. Others are more serious and concerned with improving the lot of those around them (particularly children). The more entertaining type loves to perform and lift the spirits of his/her family and friends. The more serious type is more interesting in educating others, whether through example or by actively promoting principles and/or knowledge. Regardless of how they express themselves socially, those born on this day are most often found working in the service of their fellow human beings, trying to improve the general state of things through their efforts.

August 31 people know what makes others tick. Whether as parents, performers, bosses or teachers, they are psychologically astute, able to understand and influence the thoughts and moods of others, and perhaps to enlighten them. However, at a certain point August 31 people will have to ask themselves whether they haven't built up a dependency on getting the attention of others. AT this point, often at the mid-life crisis (around age forty-two: Uranus and Saturn oppositions), they may decide to become a bit more interested in their own personal development, turn inward and limit some of their social preoccupations.

August 31 people have an attractive air about them which most people like. They have a kind of quiet and solid charm that invariably attracts others to them. Therefore, although they are good team members, their lot is often to become leaders. Such a position of leadership suits their talents -- organizational skills and decision-making ability, to name two -- but on the other hand, may be stressful for their personality. Generally August 31 people display an aversion to ostentation.

In fact, where pretension and hypocritical behavior are concerned, August 31 people are sharply critical. Their remarks and comments can have a strongly ironic or even acerbic tone, and their barbs penetrate deeply. THose born on this day may have to leanr to be a bit more tactful and exercise a greater degree of restraing in their language.

Generally, August 31 people do not have difficulty finding their way in the world. Their great struggle, however, will be to reconcile their public commitments and their private wishes and needs. Having a getaway to escape to, a cherished hobby or a secret role which they play far from the public eye is often essential to their psychological well-being. Indeed, the push-pull effect of needing to accommodate both public and private concerns can occasion interesting arrangements in lifestyle.


Those born on the 31st day of any month are ruled by the number 4 (3+1=4), and by the planet Uranus. Since only 7 months have a 31st day, it is a bit of an unusual number for a birthday, and the people born on these days are often hard for others to fathom. Those ruled by the number 4 can seem difficult or argumentative, since their views so often diverge from everyone else's. They also take rejection very hard. Those ruled by the planet Uranus can be quick and explosive in their change of mood. This quality is accentuated for August 31 people by the changeable traits of Virgo's ruler Mercury and its close association with Uranus in matters of communication.


The 4th card of the Major Arcana is The Emperor, who rules over worldly things through wisdom, the primary source of his power. The Emperor is stable and wise; the force of his authority cannot be questioned. The positive associations of this card are strong willpower and steadfast energy; negative indications include stubbornness, tyranny, even brutality.


August 31 people must beware of problems with their digestive system, particularly the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas. Prone to diet-related diseases such as diabetes, they must also guard against stomach and duodenal ulcers which can result from their intense public life. Yoga and meditation rae particularly recommended for those born on this day, who will benefit from a private life in which their spiritual side gets a chance to express itself. Regular vacations are also strongly recommended. Special diets may be required by a physician or nutritional advisor. Daily walks will work wonders psychologically as well physically.


Seek inner guidance. Spend more time alone with yourself and lesson your need for approval or attention. Find a good balance between fun and responsibility. Cultivate your appreciation of others.


Do you know the story of the City Mouse and the Country Mouse?

  • Dynamic
  • Influential
  • Fun

  • Frazzled
  • Sociall Dependent
  • Caustic

  • Maria Montessori (educator, physician, rehabilitator of children)
  • Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (German mathematician, physiologist, anatomist, physicist, Physiology of Optics, On the Sensations of Tone)
  • Edwin Moses (US Olympic hurdler, 2x gold medalist, undefeated for ten years in 122 races)
  • Caius Caesar Caligula (Roman emporer)
  • DuBose Heyward (poet, playwright, novelist, Porgy)
  • Frank Robinson (baseball outfielder, Triple Crown winner, fourth all-time in HRs, first African-American manager in major league baseball)
  • James Coburn (film actor)
  • Richard Gere (film actor)
  • Eldridge Cleaver (African-American activist, writer, Soul on Ice)
  • Itzhak Perlman (Israeli-American violinist)
  • Van Morrison (singer, songwriter)
  • Wilhelmina (queen of Netherlands for fifty years)
  • Fredric March (film, stage actor)
  • Richard Basehart (film, TV actor)
  • Sir Bernard Lovell (British radio astronomer, The Exploration of Space by Radio)
  • William Saroyan (Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, novelist, The Human Comedy)
  • Alan Jay Lerner (lyricist)
  • Alma Schindler Mahler Werfel Gropius (Austrian composer, wife of three great artists)
  • Paul Winter (saxophonist, composer, Paul Winter Consort)
  • Jean Beliveau (Canadian hockey center, led Montreal to ten Stanley Cups)

The Day of Convention

Those born on August 12 are keepers of tradition, and intent on asserting themselves in their particular field of expertise. Theirs is the task of preserving old wisdom, laws and techniques essential to the mastery of their craft. Highly successful people born on this day recognize few equals but remain hungry for any new information hitherto unknown to them, and will spare no trouble or expense to acquire such knowledge. That knowledge to them is power is clearly evidenced in their attutde and lifestyle.

August 12 people are also aware of the power inherent in timeless rules and laws. Yet only the lss highly evolved types born on this day stubbornly insist on following tradition blindly. More highly evolved August 12 people build on tradition and culture in order to blaze new trails, innovate, make technical improvements and generally advance themselves and those close to them. For them, tradition is a living entity. It lives in them and in their work. But althought they embody conventions they must not be assumed to be conservative or reactionary. Those born on August 12 know that understanding history, ritual, family background and cultural tradition frees one to make choices, to keep what is desirable and discard what is not. Ignorance dooms one to repeat mistakes.

The lives of August 12 people are often lived at a renetic pace. Undeniably drawn to precarious situations, their energy can easily get out of balance. Thus they run the risk of health breakdowns and of wearing otherse out, particularly mates, family and friends. Their colleagues may begin to resent their assumed infallibility; indeed, August 12 people are capable of arousing jealousy and animosity of all sorts, and even may come to be regarded as snobs or tyrants.

With a deeper understanding of their own power, and a tempering of their dominant and sometimes intolerant attitudes, those born on this day can be even more successful in their work. In diminishing tyrannical tendencies in their personality, August 12 people engender a healthier respect and reduce resentments in others. For many born on this day, becoming less aloof and droping a hierarchy of values concerning people will be a major step in their evolution toward higher spiritual values and true humanity. Evaluative terms in particular must be carefully examined by them and periodically redefinted in a new light or scrapped altogether.


Those born on the 12th of any month are ruled by the number 3 (1+2=3), and by the planet Jupiter. THose ruled by the number 3 often seek to rise to the highest position within their sphere and August 12 people are no exception. THose ruled by the number 3 also love their independence, a quiality enhanced in firey Leos. Jupiter lends an optimistic and expansive social outlook (enhanced for August 12 people by the Sun's influence as Leo's ruler), and therefore increases the self-confidence and positive orientation of those born on this day.


The 12th card of the major Arcana is The Hanged Man, who dangles by his foot in a head-down position. Though such a position seems helpless, The Hanged Man is nevertheless spiritually powerful and depely thoughtful. THe positive attributes of this card are recognizing limitations and overcoming them, as well as simply being human; negative aspects are spiritual myopia and restrictedness.


August 12 people must beware of psychological conflicts with family members, particularly with their children. If those born on this day play the role of strict authoritarian they can certainly expect their children to rebel against them or, even worse, see their children submit to being crushed in spirit. If they demand obedience from their mate, they will only succeed in obtaining it for a finite period of time (even if for years); in the end, they will feel the heat of repressed, frustrated aggression breaking out against them. Consequently, it is essential to their good health and that of those around them that they learn the lessons of acceptance, understanding and abolve all how to relax. Having fun is the best medicine for August 12 people, coupled with a varied diet; all sorts of family and social gatherings can afford such opportunities.


Come down occasionally from your ivory tower and mix a bit with your fellow human beings. Learn to share and to accept, and most importantly, to relax, laugh and have fun. Be aware of the strength of your disapproval.


Perhaps there are no accidents.

  • Knowledgeable
  • Faithful
  • Serious

  • Tyrannical
  • Superior

  • Madame Helena Blavatsky (Russian theosophist, writer, The Secret Doctrine, co-founder Theosophical Society)
  • Cecil B. De Mille (Hollywood director, The Ten Commandments -- 1923, 1956 versions, producer)
  • Edith Hamilton (classicist, writer, The Greek Way)
  • Ross McWhirter (co-writer, co-creator, Guinness Book of Records, shot by IRA, twin of Norris)
  • Norris McWhirter (co-writer, co-creator, Guinness Book of Records)
  • Pat Metheny (jazz-fusion guitarist, composer)
  • Mark Knopfler (British lead guitarist, singer, songwriter, Dire Straits)
  • "Diamond Jim" Brady (New York financier, gourmet)
  • Samuel Fuller (film director, The Big Red One, procuder, writer, WWII hero, bronze star, silver star, Purple Heart)
  • William Goldman (writer, Hollywood screenwriter, Marathon Man)
  • Mary Roberts Rinehart (thriller writer, The Circular Staircase
  • George Bellows (New York artist, sports painter)
  • Fernando Collor de Mello (impeached Brazilian president, resigned)
  • John Poindexter (US Navy admiral, National Security adviser, Iran-Contra figure)
  • Tsarevitch Alexis (heir to Russian throne, son of Nicholas, executed by Bolsheviks)
  • George IV (British king)
  • George Hamilton (film actor)
  • John George Gmelin (German 18th C. naturalist, Siberian traveler)
  • Mohammed Hatta (Indonesian statesman)
  • Robert Southey (British Romantic poet, associate of Wordsworth and Coleridge)

The Day of the Symbiotic Satirist

Those born on September 25 live in a curious relationship with their society. On the one hand they are dependent on it for their sustenance, and ultimately their success. ON the other hand they are often openly critical of it and capable of ironically exposing its faults. in doing so they may actually show how the social fabric around them can be improved and strengthened. Thus their apparent negativity or probing evaluations can lead to positive results.

Oddly enough, outisde of their local sphere, those born on this day may be seen as living symbols of the area from which they come, so colsely are they identified with it in the minds of others. Yet no one will be more keenly aware and critical of their neighborhood, town, city, cate, or country than they. Their relationship, then, with hteir homeplace is interesting symbiotic, a kind of sharing that can be at once advantageous and disadvantageous for both parties.

Spetember 25 people can also be highly representative of their family or social circle. In addition, it is possible that they may embody the vaules and aspirations of their company or peers, but nonetheless stand aloof due to their critical and questioning attitude.

September 25 people often have difficulty opening up and expressing their emotions honestly in personal relationships. THey can also appear cool and distant on first meeting. THey do, however, have a remendous need for affection and it amy only be that a history of emotional hurt has closed them off a bit to the world. Indeed, living an isolated life emotionally and/or being quite introverted away from the social contact demanded by their careers can be a characteristic of those born on this day.

September 25 people are imaginative but at the same time very precise and exacting. Perfectionists, they generally go over their work repeatedly in order to catch mistakes and shore up weaknesses. THe demands they make on others are no different from what they ask ofthemselves. Interestingly enough, although they so often indulge in critisicm of their social group they do not react well to the criticism of that group by outsiders; in fact they can become defensive and curiously chauvinistic at times.

Often September 25 people are able to form a deeper relationship with their society, social circle, and/or career than they ever could with an individual. Consequently those who are involved with them personally, on an emtional level, may feel as if there is something already spoken for of which they can never be a part. September 25 people must beware that their children in particular do not grow up feeling deprived in this respect.


Those born on the 25th day of any month are ruled by the number 7 (2+5=7), and by the planet Neptune. THe connection between Neptune and Venus (ruler of Libra) can produce an artistic, graceful, and ethereal personality. However, there is more present than meets the eye. The Neptune-Venus connection can also tempt September 25 people to indulge in drug-taking, particularly alcohol. Most ruled by the number 7 enjoy change and travel, but September 25 people generally prefer staying closer to home; ambivalent feelings toward their lifestyle can thus be the result.


The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows a triumphant figure moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency; the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.


September 25 people must push themselves to exercise. THose less athletically inclined tend to be lazy in this respect and may be difficult to get to the sports field or training room. An excellent form of exercise for them is to take long walks, during which they are free to let their minds roam and their plans take shape. As far as diet is concerned, many September 25 people are satisfied with standard fare, but should, however, make an effort to eat from a more balanced menu if their usual meals overemphasize certain proteins, fats, or carbohydrates at the expense of others. If their work is sedentary, those born on this day must beware of lower bakc problems. September 25 people should avoid alcohol and make an effort to drink one or two quarts of fluid (preferably water) every day to keep their kidneys active and avoid bladder or urinary infections


Your tendency to be sharp or critical can get you in trouble. Remember that words can hurt worse than blows. Try to be open about what you are feeling. Don't cut yourself off from life.


People hide more than money in books.

  • Hard-working
  • Goal-oriented
  • Determined

  • Closed
  • Insensitive
  • Unforgiving

  • William Faulkner (American Nobel Prize-winning short-story writer, A Rose for Emily, novelist, Absalom, Absalom!)
  • Dmitri Shostakovich (Russian composer, wrote Leningrad Symphony under German seige -- WWII)
  • Mark Rothko (color field painter)
  • Glenn Gould (Canadian pianist, composer, revolutionary interpreter of Bach)
  • Michael Douglass (film actor, producer, son of Kirk)
  • Barbara Walters (TV journalist, interviewer, host, 20/20)
  • Rober Bresson (French master film director, The Trial of Joan of Arc, Pickpocket)
  • Sam Rivers (jazz saxophonist, multi-instrumentalist)
  • Francesco Borromini (Italian Boroque architect)
  • Jean Philippe Rameau (French Boroque composer)
  • Pedro Almodovar (Spanish satirical film director, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown)
  • Christopher Reeve (film actor, Superman)
  • Mark Hamill (film actor, Luke Skywalker in Star Wars)
  • Wendell Phillips (explorer, founder American Foundation for the Study of Man)
  • Cheryl Tiegs (supermodel)
  • Bob McAdoo (basketball forward, center, 3x NBA scoring leader)
  • Scottie Pippin (Chicago Bulls basketball forward, Olympic "Dream Team" gold medalist)
  • Norman O. Brown (historian, writer, Life Against Death)
  • Sir Colin Davis (British conductor)
  • Heather Locklear (acress, model)

The Day of High Voltage

Those born on August 16 are full-blooded sensualists who know how to get their way. Yet in everything they do, there is a sense of refinement, of style, of highly magnetic attractiveness which endears them to most people who come in contact with htem. Even if they appear fresh-faced and wholesome, those born on this day invariably have either a notable interest in and/or drive toward various forms of sensuous as well as sexual expression. The commanding aspects of this personality are marked as well, as because of this, August 16 people can have great difficulty tolerating opposing points of view. Indeed they will seek to trumph over and in certain extreme cases destroy those whom they see as adversaries or enemies. THe brive in them to accumulate power within their sphere of influence is particularly pronounced.

When August 16 people get out there they get really way out. Being outrageous is something that comes naturally to them, and their unusual behavior demands an audience, since for them suffering in silence can be unbearable. Those born on this day wish to put themselves on display, somethinges beforea while crowd of people with whom they can share what they are experiencing.

August 16 people are often hypersensitive, electrically nervous types. Although they can be hurt by the unkindess of others, they have a very hard core which can withstand virtually any kind of attack, mental or physical. They can also be quite destructive to otehrs when they set their mind to it, and in some cases revenge can gain a powerful hold on their motivations. Seductive and magnetic, those born on this day can also wield terrible power by extending and later withdrawing their affections. If August 16 people go far enough down a negative path, they will inevitably wind up turning their destructive powers on themselves as well. Their search for ever-increasing thrills can distort or take their personality to extremes.

A great danger for August 16 people is that they will lose the capacity to enjoy simple pleasures and anything that even smacks of conventionality. In this respect they may find themselves more and more out of touch with their family and friends. Despite their anti-authoritarian, sometimes antisocial behavior, most August 16 people usually find a social niche in which their talents come to serve a real need in society or the circle in which they move. Yet although interested in leading they are rarely interested in ruling. AS leaders they can be adored, even worshiped. As rulers they would hardly be the best choice to be responsible for groups of people. Seduction and sedition are more their specialty than domination or control.


Those born on the 16th day of any month are ruled by the number 7 (1+6=7), and by the planet Neptune. Those ruled by the nubmer 7 do not always carry through their ideas and can get out of touch with reality easily. Neptune is the planet of dreams, fantasies and also of religous feeling. Inspirational and highly romantic qualities are granted to August 16 people through the connetion of Neptune with the Sun (ruler of Leo). Those ruled by the number 7 can sometimes throw caution to the winds where money is concerned and leave their families financially embarrassed. A good accountant or bookkeeper is thus invaluable to August 16 people.


The 16th card of the Major Arcana is The Tower, which in one version of the Tarot deck shows both a king falling from a lightning-struck tower and builder of this tower being killed by a blow to the head. The Tower represents the impermanence of not only physical structures but also of relationships or vocations in our lives. The changes wrought can often be sudden and swift. THe positive elements of the card include overcoming catastrophe and confronting challenges. However, the Twoer also cautions against rising unjustifiably high and risking destruction at the hands of one's own invention.


Those born on August 16 are prone to all forms of obsessive behavior. Consequently they must beware of addictions to food and drink, sex and love relationships or thrill-seeking. Their psychological stability can be undermined by their extreme sensitivity and high-voltage energy. It is terribly difficult for those born on this day to keep a well-rounded, wholesome lifestyle or routine. But if they can make some healthy habits a part of their daily regimen, for example, natural foods or enjoyable exercise, it would be a step in the right direction. Age may help those born on this day make healthier choices; however, long life for its own sake is not high on their list of priorities.


Learn to transform your voltage when necessary to run conventional human appliances. Try not to burn them out, for their sake. Be a bit kinder to your enemies -- you may need them too. Put a little more energy into your inner spiritual life.


To those sensitive to it, the language of the bedroom rarely tells a lie.

  • Seductive
  • Electric
  • Goal-Oriented

  • Destructive
  • Rebellious
  • Excessive

  • Madonna (superstar singer, songwriter, entertainer, film actress)
  • T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia, British adventurer, soldier, writer, The Seven Pillars of Wisdome)
  • Charles Bukowski (writer, Tales of Ordinary Madness, Ham on Rye, poet)
  • Bill Evans (jazz pianist, composer)
  • Al Hibbler (jazz, ballad singer, blind from birth, eight years with Duke Ellington)
  • George Meany (ALF-CIO labor leader)
  • Timothy Hutton (film actor)
  • Frank Gifford (New York Giants foorball half-back, 4x All-Pro, Monday Night Football sportscaster, Kathie Lee's husband)
  • Kathie Lee Gifford (TV personality, Regis and Kathie Lee, Frank's wife)
  • Bruce Beresford (Australian film director, Tender Mercies, Breaker Morant)
  • Robert Culp (TV, film actor)
  • Wilhelm Wundt (German philosopher, empirical psychologist, physiologist)
  • Katharine Hamnett (British fashion designer)
  • Marcella Gaetano (Portugal prime minister)
  • J.I. Rodale (organic gardening specialist, writer)
  • Fess Parker (film, TV actor, Daniel Boone)
  • Eydie Gorme (singer)
  • Georgette Heyer (British romantic novelist, detective-story writer)
  • Peter Saul (pop-art, social satirist painter)
  • Suzanne Farrel (ballet dancer)

*vows never to type again if he can help it*
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