Hey guys!
yeah, it's been a while, my brain no worky.
SO! this month(ish)'s writey non-contest free for all challenge is...
Bad Puns.
Come on, April Fool's Day is coming up, we gots ta do it! Get some laughter in here, cuz as much as I loooove the smut, a good belly laugh and a facepalm or two is also very good for the soul.
So Writey Writey WRITEY!
Everyone who gets fic or art done by April 20th gets their entry included in the roundup post and a shiny participation banner.
Fic: 500+ words. Legible. Pleese due spelchick. :P
Art: try to give us something more than stick figures, lol. Sketches are good, with or without color. Digital art is fun too.
In the spirit of the community, it MUST involve a human and a bot interacting in the starring 'role'.
Het and slash are both fine
As are all universes/continuities
OC's are allowed
Use appropriate warnings
Your stuff can be gen and tame enough to show to your five-year-old, or it can be as explicitly "look away right now, child!" as you like.
You can submit something previously written, but we'd love to see something new from you as well.
And as you know, it's a free for all, no votey, so don't be nervous, post your stuff! First timers, come join in, I don't bite unless you ask nicely. :D Go forth, write, draw and post so we can squee!
ps: if you have any ideas for future challenges/contests/etc etc,
post em here!