Mwaha. I come bearing pictures. Finally. The first is of my mom and I (and my cat), and then the next couple... well, I'm just posting them cause they're super-nifty. Demonstrations of a couple extremes.
This thing used to be a candle. Unfortunately, Floridian weather doesn't allow such things to survive outside.
And on the totally opposite end of the spectrum: an icicle that formed in my parent's refrigerator. Looked like a dagger, so I grabbed my camera. I WILL STAB YOU IN THE EYE WITH MY ICEPICK (haha, get it? Ice? :P) OF DOOOOOM!
Done now. Time to shower. I think I have another date tonight.
Once again, is there anyone out there who wants to be turbo-nice and give me a ride to I-bar on sunday?
In other news, this face-painting thing fucking rocks. I only got about three or four hours of sleep last night (instead of my usual ten or so), and I wasn't sleepy at all when I was in my training class today. There's something really appealing to me about having paint under my nails all the time. Downside: I'm absolutely covered in glitter. Another downside: I started falling asleep when I was driving home on I-4 in rush hour traffic. In the sun. With no AC in my car. People were giving me strange looks because I had to slap myself awake a few times. I thought it was kinda funny. (probably wouldn't think so if I had wrecked)
Anyways. Shower.
Do you know where your zombie cat is? (this message was brought to you by the Association for a Better Future by Way of Undead Felines, the International Zombification Alliance, Dogs R Dumb Inc., and the letter "P". So, pfffft.