good morning everyone. I hope that everyone is having a great end to their summer. I however have a brief announcement to make. concerning marriage.
really. it's not. especially for us (ie rich purebloods.) why then do I keep on hearing supposedly good people complaining about having to get married? get over it. marriage is not about love. if you want love find a lover. and its not like you can't have a lover when you're married. everybody does it. you just have to with a d...secretive about it, or something.
if you don't like the person you marry that's okay. it's political. it doesn't mean that you have to be friends. but if you don't like the person just because you are marrying them then that's just silly. it's not their decision any more than it is yours. and I mean no offense to anybody who has been complaining (especially since some of them are family) I'm just saying that its silly.
everybody calm down. marry who you are supposed to. do what you have to. and remember what it is all for. we are continuing the magical line. imagine what would happen if we could just marry whoever we wanted. there would be no wizards at all within a century! which would be very sad.
♥ ♥ ♥ thank you! ♥ ♥ ♥
oh and by the way. what's up with potter as head boy? AND a gryffindor head girl too? that's just wrong.