Title: Ranger School
fleurlb Fandom: Leverage
Rating: PG (language)
Characters: Eliot
Word Count: 3050
Spoilers: None - set pre-series
Warnings: Um, there’s a snake. Also, my motto is 'never let the facts get in the way of a good story', so I may have possibly taken some small liberties with how Ranger training words.
Disclaimer: I own nothing here (
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Comments 6
This was sweet. I loved the insights into Eliot's backstory, and the characteristics that are fundamentally him no matter what stage we see him in. I like that both the harsh circumstances of training and the fact that they have more in common than he and Hardison do meant that he acclimatised to Charlie, and saw the worth in him, much faster. The last line was lovely. I really like the network of "buddies" Eliot has, that guy-bond have-your-back-always that never changes.
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