I understand how you feel. I forget who I was talking to the other night--I think it was Matt--and I was telling him how I feel so hopeless in my film path. At least, this semester I do. And I don't know what the deal is...I think part of it is just lack of motivation 'cause all of my fitchburg friends have either left the school, hated me after first year, or don't have that much time for me this semester....so it's pretty miserable--especially when I realize I don't have anyone to really turn to for help with scriptwriting or acting--well like, I asked Matt, so he might help if our schedules work out (cause he doesn't go here anymore)...and blah blah blah, sob story....but yeah, I understand. And my grades in required courses are going awful. I can't get in contact with my Health and Fitness prof who I got an Incomplete from last semester so I don't know what needs to be done to complete the course...and I don't want to deal with another 0.0 on my transcript (I'm making up one now) and I was thinking about dropping one of my comm.
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Honey if livejournal isn't the place for long angry rants I don't know what is. Please know that you are one of the most special people in this world and you put up with so much from so many people that I don't know how you stay so sane. I'm trying not to be all sappy and stuff but my head is all cloudy from the cough medicine. but anyway my thoughts are in the same vein as dear susan's. know that we both are feeling just like you right now so you aren't alone in the medriocrity and we will find a way to get above it. right now just simplify and get a mantra or something (go to ben franklin or karl pilkington for some good ones). but yeah enough of my useless comments but remember you always have me and susan ;)
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