Firstly, Ross Noble's randomist stand up. Made me laugh until I cried; I haven't done that in a while. There, nuff said.
Next, Merlin. As much as I love it, and am glad that the actors are still great,why are we suddenly back to episode 2 of last series, where Arthur is being a prat, and not listening to Merlin? I thought we'd got past that bit boys? Though I'm glad that we're starting to get crazyhaired!Morgana at night (I like her as nice!Morgana, but realise that she has to go to crazy!Morgana eventually, so at the minute she can be were!Morgana). Also glad that we finally have seen Gwen get a backbone (though she loses it everytime a bloke talks to her). Well done Gwen for getting past the staring at men phase, and saving them instead. Ok, you did save him by jumping on him, but that's an improvement at least, and it got his attention. (Also, if the person kissing Merlin in the trailer bit afterwards is Gwen, I shall stab people. That girl's got enough going on in her head without that. Also, what's going on with Lancelot's hair? Where did it go? *sob*).
Finally, District 9. Essentially, this film is Alien Apartheid with people blowing up. From about five minutes in the film I had decided I no longer cared what happened to anyone, because they were all being evil idiots (humans and aliens alike, though perhaps the aliens had some slight reasoning). Even the "tragic" hero lost all sympathy from me, because he truly didn't understand why his previous actions were wrong. The point of no return for me involved fire, unhatched alien eggs and a reference by our hero to popcorn, which I now may never eat again.
This film could have been good, an interesting thought-provoking take on racial views today. Instead, some guy on the writing team wanted gore, exploding men, and racial stereotypes. I'm presuming the choice to set the film in South Africa wasn't a coincidence? Then why use stereotypical black gangsters in the film? Surely that's going against the entire premise of the film? Oh the irony.