We had two more InstaDrabble sessions and here are the results:
Water splashed. The horse underneath him whinnied in sudden panic, then reared. He slipped. Water, chill from the mountain heights, engulfed him, his weapons dragged him under. His horse was gone, hopefully safely back on the south-eastern bank, and he kicked, pushed and clawed against the current, against the chill, and against the weight of his gear. At long last his knees touched ground and with his last bit of strength, Boromir crawled onto the shore. As he collapsed, the white walls of Minas Tirith appeared before his mind's eye, and he was no longer sure he would ever return.
The prompt was: The River: A pathway between worlds.
Close Quarters
"What now?" Halbarad surreptisiously rubbed bruised knuckles.
"This episode will not improve our reputation in Bree-land," Aragorn replied icily. Halbard, for all his 80 years, felt like a chastised youth under Aragorn's steely gaze. Though, truth be told, Aragorn looked as bedraggled as Halbarad felt: His hair was dripping wet, his shirt torn and his right eye swollen almost shut. Yet his glare had not suffered. Not in the least.
"You know Bill Ferny," Halbarad sighed.
"I do! And he's not worth a night spent in the lock-up."
"At least it's dry."
"Still I would prefer to have the key!"
Inspired by the prompt: The Key: Can open anything.