Title: Fed Fandom: Prince of Tennis Pairing: Shishido Ryou X Kirihara Akaya Rating: G Disclaimer: Not mine. Notes: #5 of my 5 crackfics. I'm done! And I think this one was my favorite. ^^
::is poked:: Hey! I know, I know. I'm workin' on 'em.
That said, wai! This was so cute! ^^ I can hear all of them, especially the little imp. This is the last one, but it might also be the one I liked best. Good job!
I'm starting to like Kirihara a lot more. ^_^ And of course, the Silver Pair~! It wasn't a good thing to go into this drabble with Shishido telling me to write a fic for them, because this one is long. ^^;
Comments 2
That said, wai! This was so cute! ^^ I can hear all of them, especially the little imp. This is the last one, but it might also be the one I liked best. Good job!
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