A few minutes ago, an amazing thing happened!:
I was sitting reading the introduction to the 'genetics' chapter in my obstetrics+gynaecology textbook, and simultaneously listening to a mixcd. A few lines into it, Moby's 'God moving over the face of the water' came on, and, I don't know if you've ever listened to that, but it was PERFECT. The stuff I was reading was all about how life began when some random bits of nucleic acid happened to join together, and happened to be able to replicate, and how from one cell, more and more multiplied, and how from that one cell, all kinds of weird and wild species proliferated . . . And Moby's first disturbing repetitive piano melody spawning other disturbing repetitive piano melodies and then strings coming in, and all the various parts interposing over the ones that begat them? And reading about evolution?
The whole experience was so great that I am going to repeat it to encourage* others to enjoy it too!
*textbook is Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology by James Drige and Brian Magowan, published by Saunders in 2004; the only bit you need to read is page 27.