Title: School Pranks (AU)
Pairing: Roy x Ed
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist. I just make the yaoi. XD
A/N: This is a fic for
Roy snagged Ed by his arm and dragged him down the hall.
"What? Let me go!!" exclaimed Ed as Roy hauled him into a classroom and turned to shut the door. Ed took this time to take in the older man's disheveled appearance. His gray turtleneck sweater was half in his black, pleated pants and Ed also noted with a stifled laugh that his shoes were untied.
When Roy turned back to him, he had an amused grin showing on his face.
Roy's eyes narrowed as he glared at the cocky boy in his tight, leather pants and loose fitting, semi see-through white shirt. Roy raked his eyes over the boy repeatedly, having to force other thoughts out of his mind and focus on being mad.
Roy brandished a poster featuring a man dressed in a Greek battle uniform with Roy's head photo-shopped onto the body and the mouth wide open screaming, "SPARTAAAA" in big, bold, black letters.
Ed masked a laugh behind his hand and Roy's eyes narrowed further.
"Explain this to me." gritted Roy. Edward coughed a couple times but couldn't hide his grin.
"What's there to explain Ed tilted his head to the side and crossed his arms, "I think it's a wonderful likeness." and he broke out laughing.
Roy dropped the poster and grabbed a fistful of Ed's shirt and pulled Ed towards him.
"How many people did you tell about last week?" demanded Roy. He wouldn't meet his gaze.
"Just a couple people..." Ed trailed off. Roy released Ed and walked further into the classroom.
"Gah, Ed..." he sighed, "You didn't tell them everything did you?" he said as he ran a hand through his hair.
Ed blushed.
"Kind of..."
"OH MY GOD EDWARD!!!" yelled Roy.
"What?! I'm sorry!! It's just the sex was so awesome I had to brag! And then one thing led to another and I told them about the funny stuff you did when you got drunk..." said Edward in a rush and then the scream of,
"SPARTAAAA!" filled the room and Edward cringed as he fished his cell phone out of his back pocket and hurriedly turned it off.
"YOU RECORDED ME TOO?!" yelled Roy.
"Kinda..." said Edward softly. Roy sat down on the floor with a huff and held his head in his hands.
"I'm the laugh of the school. muttered Roy. Ed crawled into his lap and pulled the older man's hands down.
"If it makes you feel any better, I've been running around taking those posters down all day." said Ed softly. Roy met his eyes.
"Only slightly." murmured Roy. Ed leaned in and brushed his lips against Roy's.
"Feeling a little better." breathed Roy as he freed his hands from Ed's and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him closer. Ed smiled into the kiss and rubbed his hands up and down Roy's chest. Roy pulled him closer still and Ed moved so he was straddling Roy.
Ed grinded their hips together and Roy gasped. He tugged the rest of Roy's sweater out of his pants and slid his hands under it proceeding to rub his palms up Roy's sides.
Roy shuddered slightly and ran his hands down Ed's back. Ed broke off their kiss and brushed his lips the length of Roy's jaw and back. Roy tried to capture his lips again but he moved to Roy's neck and ran butterfly kisses along it as his hands started to fumble with Roy's pants.
Roy groaned as Ed freed him of his confines and Ed fluttered his fingers against him as he bit lightly on Roy's neck then sucked on the same spot.
Roy thrust his hips forward slightly as Ed kissed and purred softly at the crook of his neck.
"Ed..." Roy moaned as he seemed to remember himself and started undoing Ed's pants.
Ed grinned and helped Roy undo the fastenings then pull them off with a momentary pause for struggling with Ed's shoes.
"What? No underwear?" said Roy as he grasped Ed's butt in his hands and Ed laughed softly then gasped as Roy grinded their hips together.
Ed tried to keep his wits about him as he felt Roy find his opening and begin to prep him. Ed distracted himself from the, at first awkward, sensation by nibbling gently on his dark haired lover's earlobe and blowing softly in Roy's ear. Roy sighed and moaned softly as Ed captured Roy's lips again as Roy lined himself up and pushed into him. Ed gasped loudly into the kiss then buried his face in Roy's shoulder.
Roy waited for Ed's go ahead.
Ed straightened and met Roy's glazed, onyx gaze with his molten, electrified gold and rested his hands on Roy's hips then moved in for a kiss as Roy began to thrust into Edward.
Ed did his best to keep his moans low, as did Roy, as Roy suddenly picked up the pace and started ramming harder into him. Ed moved his hands to cling to his shoulders and Roy wrapped his arms around Ed' waist as he thrust hard and deeply into Ed twice more then they both gasped and a cry escaped Ed's throat before they collapsed onto the floor breathing heavily.
Ed moved off Roy and lay on his back on the cool, tile floor.
They both lay there, breathing deeply for a moment and then Roy rolled over and stroked Eds cheek then kissed him softly.
Ed smiled and Roy grinned back.
Somewhere in the distance a bell rang and they both paled and their eyes widened as they scrambled to get presentable before students started to enter the classroom.