Taking the lead from a trustworthy friend or co-worker is a smart idea today, for he or she won't likely steer you wrong. Normally you wouldn't let anyone else make decisions for you, but now your unfulfilled desires could negatively influence your ability to choose wisely. Just remember that receiving advice doesn't alleviate you of the final
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Well I got my wisdom teeth pulled a few days ago.. the pain has been excruciating :( BUT i am almost healed (yay!) This strict diet that I'm on really really sucks a big one. I should be able eat chipotle in a few more days though haha! HOPEFULLY.
Ohh & nathan's coming down this weekend!! I am so excited to see my little niglet<3
Well, I lost my job. It's really a shame because I actually liked it a lot.. especially the benefits (free haircuts, cheap manicure/pedicures) I've been applying at random places the past few days. So let's keep our fingers crossed that I get hired somewhere soon.
I just need something new. some excitement, new friendships.
So I've been in corpus the past week, visiting my best friend Kim. It has been really nice to get away from houston and spend time with good people. I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm pretty bummed. Ohh, and I got my first tattoo yesterday!