Hokay, so I made it quite clear in my last entry that this weekend was positively orgasmic. Now I have the pictures to prove it.
Christine+me+a car=one hot time.
We went to showcase where we met up with some cool kids.
Kevin and I would make the sexiest babies and you know it.
Marian and Alison are pretty much my heroes.
No comment...
This is what happens when I give Kevin my camera.
Drugs are bad, kids.
So This is em's butt..and Julia. Those were the costumes for their dance. That's right..they actually wore those outfits on purpose in front of like 2,000 people. Sweet.
So then we afterpartied at Mo's. It was obviously a good time.
This is probably the best picture to describe last night....
Yeah, we are 5 years old.
Em really liked the naked Ken dolls.
Marissa's fiesta was a grood time..Emily and Kelly danced..but there wasn't any music.
I don't know?
Surprising everyone but me and Kelsey, 1/4 of JTG showed up and sang Marissa a lovely song. I got jealous.
Julia ate too much chocolate and her blood sugar was like, a million. Yayyy diabetes!
My mom was late picking us up, so christine and I took some hot sex pictures such as this one...
..and this one. You know you want us.
Okay that's all the picture I feel like posting for now. If you'd like to see the other good ones, let me know.