which one of them is you?

Jul 28, 2009 00:03

Today I watched 'Guest of Cindy Sherman'.  It's a very strange film, disturbing even.  At the start of the film, Paul H-O is a tv host on little viewed public access art show, Gallery Beat.  He records a seriesof  interviews with Sherman for the show, and the two of them develop a relationship.  After some time, he begins to feel overshadowed in the relationship (she being a globally renowned genius, and he not) and sees the idea of making a documentary about Cindy as a way to gain recognition, but in his obsessive focus on making a film about this reclusive woman, he seems to destroy their relationship.  To me it seems entirely self-defeating anyway, as Paul's motivation was to emerge from beneath her wings, but in the end the film is all about her (though I suppose I have now heard of him).
Sad, beautiful and more than a little fucked up, how we destroy the things we love.

I first came across Cindy Sherman's work in Liverpool about a year ago, and was absolutely captivated.  https://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ViewWork?workid=20954&searchid=13933&roomid=4699&currow=1&maxrows=25  6-21 of the slideshow.  She comes across brilliantly in the film, modest, sweet and kind.  What confuses me is that I can't work out if it's a true picture, or an image of a woman created by a man who loves her.

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