Lets talk about noms....
Of course it it is Miss Kitty, but not on the regular....k? I cut back on a lot of the meat in my diet. I think I'd go crazy with out meat to be honest cause fowl, fish and assorted mammals taste good and also make you full.
Yes this a really cute flash game but actually trying to master it in real life might seem like a kinder-gardener trying to beat Ikaruga O.o! It's ok to be a newbie after all we were taught a different food pyramid than the current one.
Yo the food pyramid is a guide for a reason but it has the right idea. It's not the holy bible of food but a good cliff notes to think about during the day. Lets say you had a yogurt and wanted something to go with it. It would probably make more sense to have some tea rather than a latte since you are eating dairy already. Mix shit up! Throw things in a pot or a pan and hope they turn out well. If you want a safer approach throw the names of healthy noms that you like into a search engine and hope for the best. Recipes don't bite..normally.
Ninja healthy things as much into your belly as much as possible. I never saw that apple coming and by the time I knew it was already too late! Pro-tip it was hiding underneath the suspicious looking graham cracker over there.
If all else fails convince yourself the world will end if you don't defeat the vegetable uprising. It's the American thing to do! In America!
Zim ~ "Curse you snacks! Curse yoooooou!"
Zim if you listened to that you are supposed to have square meals maybe you wouldn't have to worry about snacks. Well your intelligence is stupid Zim so of course you weren't paying attention but the mission is not lost! If you know how to snack right you can be awesome. Don't over dose on shit being it either something healthy or sweet sweet cuppie cakes. Meal times were conceptualized for a reason; eat a light snack not a meal sized snack. That being said here are some of my favorite snacks...
Blueberrys are yummy and good for you. They are also in season atm so it's the extra cheap and nutritious thing to do. Try to get things in season.
Trader Joe's makes this edamame hummus which I love to nosh on with some carrot chips. Carrot chips are amazing they are just carrots in the shape of chips, who would have thunk. I used to think they were just good for stir-fry but no they make a good nosh food too.
Yay plain popcorn. One of my favorite snacks. If you want to add flavor to it add herbs and spices instead of the typical cheese and butter. Of my favorite things to do is add something spicy to it since spicy food takes longer to eat and therefor gives your brain more time to talk to your tummy and find out; "OMG I am full! Let me stop stuffing food into my food hole!"
Thin sliced low sodium turkey. I wuv this deli meat for my whole wheat english muffin with either no salt added salsa, spinach or both. I have it in my fridge a lot so I'll eat a slice some times on one of those days I didn't already eat it for lunch. Oh! If you didn't see I don't like salt in things that I don't need them. If I want salt I'll eat a pretzel or go for a swim in the dead sea.
Most of the time I think am hungry I am actually just thirsty. I love water but I try to drink filtered water instead of bottled water to save a dead dinosaur. Tea bags add amazing flavors to plan old water. Try using multiple tea bags or mixing different iced teas together to excite your taste buds. Add some fruit juice or fruit to your water too. Crystal light makes new Pure fitness packets which don't have that artificial crap the normal crystal light has, I <3 that stuff. It's hard not to eat artificial sweeteners and stuff and it's a good crutch to wean yourself off the sweet sips but only use it as a jump off point. Seltzer is good too if your into the bubbly. Coffee without all the cream and bullshit is good too. Caffeine is controversial but whatever. I work with coffee so am not going bitch slap the hand that feeds me.
In other news...
Don't get hung up over numbers. Be it your weight, the number of calories you are consuming or things relating to that. I mean use common scene when ordering something to eat or when glancing at the nutritional information on the side of packaging. Those 100 calorie packs may look entrancing but you can probably make a cheaper and better snack for yourself.
Tupperware isn't scary. What is scary is all the additives in most prepackaged foods. I love hot pockets but it's healthier and also easy to make a mini pizza with some pita or an english muffin, pizza sause, low-fat cheese, and turkey pepperoni. I mean frozen food or prepared food isn't the enemy but just keep an eye on it before it eyes your blood sugar level or belt buckel. It's much easier to just eat something and when you decide you are full just throw the leftovers in some tupperware and have it later, no matter how big or small. The clean plate club isn't a real club.
Frozen fruit and veggies are great they help preserve the nutrients. If there is a sale on fresh stuff it helps save it for later.
Dance! Get up and move your booty! That's right move it! Those noms are gonna hibernate in your system if you don't move about. Don't believe the bear? Well you're right not to trust those shifty bears. Well there is something you should believe though. Look back at the food pyramid and you'll see exercise is apart of it now. Weird right? But it works and it's apart of life so get used to it.
Sooo what have we learned about noms? Well I'm not sure to be honest so ask your doctor, I did....well not that doctor but you know what I mean.
Thanks for reading my rant. <3 I had to get the conversation of noms out into the open cause the topic was burning a hole into my brain. A lot of this stuff seems simple and silly and well it can be if you want it to be.