Zelos is just walking down the streets of Meltokio and if it weren’t for him winking and grinning at every lady that walked by, it would appear that he was simply minding his own business. At least, that was the case until he spotted someone in the distance. She was dressed in an elegant blue dress with long, curled blond hair.
She was beautiful. She was a she…so he approached.
“Excuse me; I was wondering if you could give me some directions.”
She turned to look at him, a small smile on her lips.
“Sure, directions to where?”
He gave her a dashing smile of his own, his gaze turning intense, hungry.
“Why, directions to your heart of course.”
And with that, she scoffed and he received a hard, resounding slap to the face. She stormed off angrily and Zelos was left behind, a deep red hand mark imprinted on his otherwise horribly confused expression.
- - - -
He then made his way to the inn, after all, there were always beautiful women checking in and out of the place every single day. It was also located in the center of the market district so obviously it was the best place for him to loiter and get a more personal view of the eye candy.
Ding! In walks his next victimtarget, a raven haired beauty dressed in a frilly pink skirt. He approaches with a sense of pure confidence.
“May I ask you a question?”
She gave him a quick glance out of the corner of her eye before turning to respond.
“Sure, I guess.”
He cleared his throat, placed a hand on his hip and flicked back a strand of his hair before grinning.
“Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?”
She gasped and slapped him harshly across the face before picking up her things, leaving the bruised ego of Zelos Wilder behind.
- - - -
On his way out of the market district, he spots another woman buying an outfit. Just as beautiful as the other two, he approaches once again.
“Baby, that outfit would look so good in a crumpled heap next to my bed.”
- - - -
“Screw me if I’m wrong, but haven’t we met before?”
- - - -
“Those are some nice pants, can I test the zipper?”
[Zelos wakes up with a horrified shriek because this is totally his idea of a horribly hellish nightmare.]