A - Accent: Somewhat Dutch...
B - Breast size: 80AA
C - Chore you hate: Cleaning Things
D - Dad's name:
E - Essential make-up item: Orange Lipstick, honestly, you NEED that!
F - Favorite perfume: Just Cavalli
G - Gold or silver: Gold - silver for jewels, though, I've got allergies you know... -
H - Hometown: I'm seriously doubting this one...
I - Insomnia: Every night...
J - Job title: Student?
K - Kids: Are quite irritating... Except for my sis
L - Living arrangements: With my family.
M - Mum's birthplace: The Netherlands
N - Number of apples you've eaten: None today, maybe 2 last year? This year, none yet!
O - Overnight hospital stays: I don't know... 4?
P - Phobia: Too many people around me! *festivals aaaaargh*
R - Religious affiliation: Well I don't know Him personally... but I think I like Him, does that make me a Christian?
S - Siblings: Some sisters
T - Time you wake up: 7am weekdays
U - Unnatural hair colors you've worn: Blond, black, whatever.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: More than I do want to eat...
W - Worst habit: Being paranoid about... anything...
X - X-rays you've had: None, as far as I remember
Y - Yummy foods you make: Cooking? Me?
Z - Zodiac sign: Lion, I think...
You need to copy this to your own LJ... Do it! For me!