What up, y'all?
So, basically, I've been well absent and that. Bloody life. But I've been lurking and whatnot, mostly around Skinsfans and I have some things I'd like to share.
Read on only if you A) have seen 601 already B) don't mind spoilers, or C) don't give a toss about Gen 3 at all but would like to hear some good quality ranting...
Thoughts: we were having the classic summer holiday )
Comments 9
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Agreed about Grace and Liv. I wasn't a huge fan of either of them last series tbh but at least they've stuck to who they are. And Laya does bring it. Although, the fact that she found out what was going on because that tour guide/drive dude randomly told her screamed of 'oh, erm... how do we drive this bit of plot forward?' was a bit ridiculous. Though that wasn't at all Liv's fault.
I don't want to hate, either. It's why I keep watching and living in hope.
Glad to hear your thoughts on it babe!
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Ah man... I would love something quality but it's really not going to happen from what I've seen. Rich's trailer just looks bleak... But I'll give it a shot.
Good to see you too, dude. All opinions are always welcome :)
Anyway, yeah... I feel like a jerk for basing my distaste for this season on spoilers, and recaps, but I just can't bare to watch 601 knowing how they've destroyed the characters for me.
I also don't plan on watching the series, UNLESS there's some AMAZING recap that can convince me otherwise.
I'll still lurk on Skinsfans -- because I actually find the bitching and whining slightly entertaining, but yeah for my Skins fix, I'll be frolicking about on FF.net and LJ when the Reverse Big Bang is happening. And of course I will always rewatch Gen 1 & Gen 2 :)
I sort of wish I could convince you to watch it but I was so bloody angry after watching the first ep that I can't recommend it. The character annihilation of the girls has been so severe (well, Mini and Franky anyway) that I sort of don't want to see any more of it.
Maybe wait until it's all over and then watch? I still love watching Freya though.
Ugh, I've just watched the first ten mins of 'Rich'. The acting is just... aren't they supposed to improve in the second year?! Oh dear, the rage is coming on again. Gah!!
Give me some time, and I may start watching Skins again so I can legitimately share my feelings on Skinsfans or rage with you ;)
Yeah, I know what you mean. I sort of prefer it in a weird way, like I don't feel like my stomach's getting all churny. I'm so totally Naomi about this season - trying not to care about something she knows that she loves.
I could also ship Mini and Alo if it were done right, great point. Like, if it made a shred of sense, like there was any kind of build up or suggestion they'd been interested in each other beforehand. Like, properly.
Oh God, I'm watching this now... It's awful. The writing is actually, actually shocking. So is the acting. I'm actually embarrassed.
At least the music is top notch.
Pleasantly surprised would be nice. I'll let you know if that happens over here in Flisville...
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