Title - You Can't Make Me!
Fandom - Avengers [Post movie AU]
Rating - G
Summary - Bruce is the worst patient in the world, but Clint, Darcy and Lucky are the most persistent family in the world.
Written because the bunny would not shut the heck up until I wrote this. A very needed distraction today.
You can't make me! )
Comments 4
"One That and Take Direction". Lol; we call them One Dimension. I only realised the other day I heard a song of theirs by accident (radio playing it in the morning); and how much it sucked and how much it was in my head! Best song ever?? No!!
"Damn children being cute and convincing with their puppy dog eyes and damn dogs being adorable." Damn them indeed!
WE DO TOO OMG. They are one dimensional tho XD So it's accurate!
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