A Good Feeling

Feb 27, 2004 12:02

As I pulled myself out of bed this morning I realized how big of an idiot I had been starting last year on august 1st. I say to myself, “WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING?!” Now, I kick myself in the ass over and over because of all the time, emotions, dignity, money, and even gasoline that I've LOST in those 6 months of my life. And every time I kick ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

perkyems February 27 2004, 12:14:30 UTC
Aww, you are so far away...no partying.

But if you want to see Kill Bill at FIU at 10 pm, holler at a girl. My friends and I are going. It's free.
Have a lovely day.


hardorepunk17 February 27 2004, 13:00:33 UTC
I wonder if your bday is gonna over shadow mine and no one will notice mine since there so close


kauni February 27 2004, 13:06:33 UTC
i like august 2, 1997 better than august 1, 2003.. :) have a good time tonight. CALL ME DAMMIT. lol.


floormatt February 27 2004, 13:35:02 UTC
lol.. i like august 2nd WAY better!!!! :-D its a shame they're so close together.

and i did call you!!! check your messages!! :-P


yay n00bin February 27 2004, 13:07:08 UTC
i'll be partyin like its 1995 you best watch out!


Re: yay floormatt February 27 2004, 13:45:55 UTC


lianistasty February 27 2004, 17:24:01 UTC
eh. maybe that's not the way t think about it. it was a learning experience and you got as much from it as you lost. ::shrugs:: gimme a call sometime. i guess i'll see you sat if you decide to go?


floormatt February 28 2004, 19:01:42 UTC
yeah... thats basicly what i meant when i said...
"August 1st, 2003 is a date I will forever cherish for one reason and one reason only : it was the beginning of a mistake that will never happen again."

i learned from the mistake. thus, i'll never do it again.


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