omg have been so lazy this weekend. It was great! Yuki is so cute.....
I and Clare ran around all day saturday and had a blast. Somehow ended up at a party and then out to a bar in uptown. I was forced to play darts and had no idea about the point of the game, but I figured as long as I throw the dart at the middle and get it to stick, that would be good enough.
Sunday was full of laziness and fangirling. I watched a bunch of old 2005-2006 episodes of Shounen Club (feat. NEWS duh). None of the episodes were subbed, but I managed fine and it was awesome.
Ah~ I just got the Henry Rollins tickets. yay! *puts next to Dir en Grey tix* bwa ha ha ha! This fall is going to rock.
Mr. Yuki got a bath this weekend. He's megafluffy and smells nummy. *squeezes dog*