A couple of friends tagged me for some interesting memes, and now it's time to give them a go. I'm sorry for the delay, I like these meme things, but I haven't been much around, lately.
Tagged by
lealea 1. Why do you write fanfiction and what made you start?
Actually I think I've still to write a proper "fanfiction", since I likely could define what I put down so far as "original fiction" - historical fiction when it comes the the Alexander the Great stories (which are not inspired to the Stone's movie), or other fiction set in the ancient world and also in modern times. But they all deal with original characters. What made me start? I wish I knew it!;P
But anyway, now that I think about it, yes - I wrote a sort of fanfiction, precisely when I was 13 or so - an horrible story inspired to "Akira" but dealing mainly with Tetsuo. Ah, I loved Tetsuo; as mad as an horse he was - a junkie and a psycothic, but I used to have a liking for this kind of outcasts. Call it a sin of younghood.
2. Slash, Het, or Gen?
Whatever, as long as it is a good story. Slash, het gen, who cares? What I need is just a nice tale and characters I can grow fond of.
3. What fandoms do you write in?
Alexander the Great (is it a fandom?), and historical in general.
4. What fandoms do you read in?
A lot: historical fandoms in general: Iliad and Odyssey, ancient Greece and Rome centered fiction, Etruscans, middle age and Reneissance, XIV century Italy, XIX century Europe and United States etc...I'm an history geek, lets's get over it, ok?
As for fictional fandoms I occasionally enjoy: Brokeback mountain, The Godfather, Akira, Mary Renault, Rg Veda and other Clamp'stories, Lord of the rings, Banana fish, Master and Commander and the Patrick O' Brian set of novels, Wolverine/Rogue, Terminator, sailor moon, Voltron, HP and a few others. I look at this list and say: a little disjointed uhn? What's the matter with me?O_o
5. What's the worst story you've ever written?
That Akira'story aforementioned. Remind me of it again, and you are so going to sleep with the fishes. ;)
6. What writers are your inspiration?
Too many to make a list, and I'm too lazy for this. Ok, ok, just the first who pop up in my mind and in randomly order:
Professional authors: Alessandro Baricco, Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, Isaac.B. Singer, Mary Renault, J.W Goethe, Giovanni Verga, Dante Alighieri, Hermann Hesse, Edgar Allan Poe, Annie Proulx, Patrick O' Brian, Gisbert Haefs, Gabiel Garcia Marquez, stop-me-please.
Not (yet) professional authors:
baranduin ,
ryu356 ,
3scoremiles_10 ,
ewyn ,
arysteia ,
qaddafi ,
hydaspes ,
pseudonihilist ,
lorie945 ,
carolina30363 ,
twhitesakura ,
elfscribe5 ,
kisa_ramblings - and I'm surely forgetting a dozen or so.:)
7. WIPs or completed stories only?
As much as I like a good WIP, I hate to get at the end of a story and not knowing if I'm going to read an end or not. So, all right WIP's, but only if there is a big disclaimer on top of it (signed with blood), which clearly states the author is planning to finish it.^_-
8. Tag six people to respond to this:
If they haven't taken this yet
baranduinewynhydaspescarolina30363ryu356taurie_2020 tagged by
ewyn Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal... and then tag 6 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.
* To pet and going out with my dog Yasha - walking and riding in the countryside
* Reading
* Dancing and stretching - physical excercise in general
* Driving my car at night, with my favourite music in the car stereo, and no one else on the passenger seat (Yasha on the back seat is allowed.^_^)
* Singing loudly - especially when I'm driving (and you should see other people's expressions when I stop at the red light) and when I'm taking a bath
* Taking an afternoon nap
* Being out in open nature and talking with a dear friend
* A long relaxed phone call with my friends
* Daydream and being comfortable on my own
I tag:
slashaddict_hiddenwolf_chainer_morganasplipperieslopesusa_938becbet Tagged by
mmorge 1. Total number of films I own on DVD/video:
Just a few DVD's - but I own hundreds of vhs’s
2. The last film I bought:
Alexander - but that’s hardly a surprise
3. The last film I watched:
War of the worlds - do movies seen in theaters count for this meme?
4. Five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me:
Five are too few, but that's it. And since my new layout is dedicated to "The Godfather", bear with me as I explain why it deserves the first place.
1. The Godfather trilogy - by Francis Ford Coppola: There are many reasons for I fell in love with Coppola’s trilogy. I’m conscious that when we talk about Gangster’s movies “The Godfather” cannot be considered the head of realism - fairly romaticized as it was - where other movies of the same genre such as "Goodfellas” or “Casino” offered a more realistic (and unsympatethic) view of the mobsters’ life.
But for me, what did the trick with “The Godfather” it’s the story of the family - plain and simple.
The Godfather is not just a story about the mafia - it’s a family saga, the depiction of three generations of people - and these characters, the complex layered relationships they build, the often irreparable changes they go through, are so vivid and rich that’s hard to believe we are facing fictonal characters and not flesh and blood human beings.
Maybe this has to do with the fact I grew-up with no father or siblings, or close relatives, so I was instantly attracted by the story of this huge family - by the figure of this patriarch - Don Vito Corleone - fierce and tough as a bulldog, but unbelievably sweet and caring with his children. Or Sonny - bad tempered, ferocious, but ready to put his life at risk for those he loves. Who wouldn’t want a big brother like Sonny?
And then Michael - Michael who is maybe the real focus of this story - an idealist at the beginning, a man who believed he could change the world (and the world he was born into), with the strenght of his ideals - but so blinded by his own confidence he couldn’ realize he was betraying his very heart and his soul - until it was too late. Blinded and alone. What’s left of Michael at the end of the trilogy? - it’s a pale shadow of a human being, a lonely man, full of regrets, and conscious there can’t be a way back. That everything was for nothing. “Where did I fail?” - he asks to himself - but he already knows the aswers. It’s only his fault, and there is no one else to blame. That’s utterly tragic - and in the hands of someone else it might have been turned into an unbearable melodrama (and surely some people already think that.^_-), but to me Coppola was somehow able to sublimate it, and turn it into a wonderful tale of love and defeat, rising and fall.
2. Schindler’s list - by Steven Spielberg
3. La dolce vita - by Federico Fellini
4. Vertigo - by Alfred Hitchcock
5. Full metal Jacket - By Stanley Kubrick
Other movies (some of these I consider masterpieces, other I just greatly enjoyed for what they were) - in random list: 2001 - A space Odyssey, Amadeus, The Shawshank redemption, The name of the rose, Raise of the red lamp, Pulp fiction, The lion in winter, Rear window, The Lord of the rings, Apocalypse now, The pianist, La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano, The seven samurai, Rashomon, Scarface, The shining, Ran, The princess bride, Terminator trilogy, Alien, the sixth sense, A beautiful mind, Star wars, Alexander, Once upon a time in America, Goodfellas, Dracula of F.F.Coppola, Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain, Master and Commander, Les nuites savages, 8 1/2, The lover, Farewell my concubine, The gladiator, Zatoichi, The silence of the lambs - and enough of this list, you got the idea.^^
EDIT: Following
baranduin example, I added a list of on-line authors I find of inspirations to question #6 of the writing meme - they may not be professional authors yet, but I'm sure they are on the way to become, sonner or later (and in certain cases more sooner than later.^_-).