Oh yes! London, Paris and New York! Me, too - if I were very brave or if I were very rich I would have homes in all three. And the Riviera and Los Angeles and someplace with a warm beach and no hurricanes... ah to be rich.
Yes, I actually like the taste of blood very much. ;)
Everytime I have some scratch I like to suck the blood away - it's a taste that I find just... mesmerizing. (ok, now pass that garlic necklace onto me! ;P)
couldn't agree more about being rich. "The perfect triad" - I call it: London-Paris and New York, that is.
I *worship* Bach. His music was so modern that there are even some jazz chords to be found in his fugues. That's amazing. His music is pure and rigorous like a crystal, yet t has an inner fire. There never was another one like him in the history of music.
"There never was another like him in the history of music"...it's so true! Io sono talmente affascinata da Bach che sono andata a trovare un film sui "Quaderni di Magdalena Bach" (sua figlia)...sono matta, vero? ;))
Flora ^_^ volevo salutarti, e complimentarmi con te per il tuo lj, davvero carino. e volevo anche chiederti se posso linkarti, o aggiungere un tuo banner ( se ce l'hai ) ai links. scrivo in italiano, va bene lo stesso?
E' bello che tu sia passata di qui a salutarmi, grazie...*blushes*
Purtroppo non ho un banner, ma certo che puoi linkarmi se vuoi, anzi!, se sarei lusingata...^^
E l'italiano va benissimo - scrivo in inglese perché ho molti ragazzi/e anglofoni tra i miei amici, ma con quelli italiani scrivo molto + volentieri nella nostra madrelingua.^^
Comments 14
*dons garlic necklace*
Oh yes! London, Paris and New York! Me, too - if I were very brave or if I were very rich I would have homes in all three. And the Riviera and Los Angeles and someplace with a warm beach and no hurricanes... ah to be rich.
Everytime I have some scratch I like to suck the blood away - it's a taste that I find just... mesmerizing.
(ok, now pass that garlic necklace onto me! ;P)
couldn't agree more about being rich. "The perfect triad" - I call it: London-Paris and New York, that is.
You make every minute of my life better *smiles gratefully*
You are in my thoughts, little sister.
Couldn't help but making a proper layout; I'm glad you like it.:)
His music is pure and rigorous like a crystal, yet t has an inner fire. There never was another one like him in the history of music.
volevo salutarti, e complimentarmi con te per il tuo lj, davvero carino. e volevo anche chiederti se posso linkarti, o aggiungere un tuo banner ( se ce l'hai ) ai links.
scrivo in italiano, va bene lo stesso?
:: Terra di case storte ::
E' bello che tu sia passata di qui a salutarmi, grazie...*blushes*
Purtroppo non ho un banner, ma certo che puoi linkarmi se vuoi, anzi!, se sarei lusingata...^^
E l'italiano va benissimo - scrivo in inglese perché ho molti ragazzi/e anglofoni tra i miei amici, ma con quelli italiani scrivo molto + volentieri nella nostra madrelingua.^^
Un bacetto.
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