Why. Are people STUPID?

May 29, 2007 14:18

Since I have a fair-sized f-of list...

  • pornish_pixies, you may have heard, got suspended today. No warning to the mod, and she's working on it. ETA: Looks to be permanent. See here.

  • There are other comms that say suspended. Me (PC/firefox), I can see which is deleted and which is suspended by clicking the comm name, but evidently for some folks it just shows an error message either way.

  • daily_deviant, the owner chose to delete for the time being. (currently, back up, possibly this is temporary or possibly it is that archiving has been achieved elsewhere)

  • in the event you happen to have copies of old pornish fics on your HD, it might not be evil of you to not delete them for the time being, just in case the author doesn't and the comm isn't restored--this is one of those reasons downloading and saving is maybe NOT a bad thing.

Worth noting:

  • http://anonym.to/?http://www.warriorsforinnocence.org/search/label/LiveJournal which may be that thing from last week--it is an external source and it's pressuring LJ, though LJ's responses to the bulk thing seem to have been along the lines of "we think not," so presumably now they're going through one by one.

    Lovely. Assuming that's who it is. Their policy is to delete responses which do not agree with them, though I'm sort of tempted to urge mass commenting just so they have to spend all their damn time doing that. Not that I'm suggesting spamming. Just saying.

  • If you have a paid account and would like to lock down your LJ meanwhile (I don't have plans to), http://www.livejournal.com/editprivacy.bml

    If you don't have a paid account, you gotta do it manually.

  • ETA: Fandom Wank, interestingly, caused me to look here, at a post by someone trying to semi-rationally deal with the Warriors For Whatthefuck up there. *waits for explosion of crazy*

  • Anyone got any notions regarding a petition, if needed, to talk to LJ about this? I don't particularly advocate flooding LJ Abuse immediately, because that robs them of the time to correctly investigate and get it right on their own in the first place. However, it mightn't be bad if some organized soul were considering how best to lodge complaint if the resolution is not positive. Anyone got thinking underway already?
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