
Sep 08, 2005 21:29

Today was just a bad day, not horrible or the worst day of my life, just generally bad.

I was stressed out this morning because I slept horribly last night (about 5 hours) and woke up at 6am with nothing to do and as I was lying there I realized I had a bunch of stuff to do for class that day that I just totally forgot about. I guess that's actually lucky, not bad, but it felt bad and stressful. Then I carried my helmet around with me all day because i left the cover at home and it was supposed to rain but it didn't rain till late in the day and i hate carrying my helmet around because i don't like the attention and it's heavy and awkward.

Then I felt dumb in class. I don't like when I can't articulate what I'm thinking and I end up just sounding really genuinely stupid. I hate it hate it hate it. I hate feeling stupid.

Then i met with Jill during lunch and we talked about my letter to pat and that was intense and she cried and i relived the past (so not fun) but all in all it was a good conversation so i shouldn't complain.

my last class was pretty fun, my professor is insane and i love it. I don't like the poems we are reading, though, and no matter how great you are as a person or teacher, if you don't like the subject class is still going to suck, just not as hard as if the prof was a jerk.

the drive home. i almost got hit. people are so fucking stupid i swear.

bottom line. i really don't like a large majority of people.

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