Well, yes -- it is pretty monstrous. But it so reminded me of Napoleon that I wondered if it was originally done as polemic or satire... or if it could possibly have something to do with the story of the Hartlepool monkey.
I guess it could have been worse - could have been dead stuffed frogs playing pianos, eating dinner, sitting in classrooms or...ohhh, wait...it's...oh no...aaarggghhh!!!
OK, that's disturbing. Mind you, any stuffed animal gives me the creeps. There used to be a lovely old English-type pub in the next suburb (now knocked down and rebuilt into a boring modern one) whose only drawback was the stuffed weasels and birds and other game.
There are even people who have their dead pets stuffed. Ewww. Why would they want to see something once so alive now so... not?
Well, it is something I can't understand. But well, we must accept that there are some part of our history which had that kind of "fun", to say it in a way. Very disturbing, yes.
molt bonica la foto, de veritat. no em coneixes personalment. pero soc un amic de graeco_celt. i volia afegir-te. espero que t'importa. m'encanta la teva pagina. poses coses boniques.
Si home, és clar que estic encantat de que m'afegeixis -de fet, si t'hi fixes, jo et vaig demanar d'amic justament ahir- i vaja, graeco_celt ja m'explica moltes coses de tu, no pateixis. Moltes gràcies pel teu amable comentari a la meva pobra pàgina, la qual tinc massa abandonada: aquesta entrada que m'has comentat és de l'octubre. Vaig tenir un mal rotllo amb un paio que va entrar aquí només per tocar els nassos i, des d'aquell dia, que se'm va tallar el rotllo. Però no, haig de tornar a entrar perquè, entre d'altres coses, aquí dins hi tinc algun bon amic.
de res. el que m'agrada de la teva pagina es la senzillesa. es increible. mira, el teu avatar. es la clau occitana. em fa somriure. perque soc molt occita. ♥
Comments 19
I guess it could have been worse - could have been dead stuffed frogs playing pianos, eating dinner, sitting in classrooms or...ohhh, wait...it's...oh no...aaarggghhh!!!
( ... )
Honestly, even hearing "19th century" and "museum" in the same sentence makes me shudder, these days.
I'm not surprised though. I spent 3 months living in Switzerland; not my favourite place.
There are even people who have their dead pets stuffed. Ewww. Why would they want to see something once so alive now so... not?
Very disturbing, yes.
- aimeric
Moltes gràcies pel teu amable comentari a la meva pobra pàgina, la qual tinc massa abandonada: aquesta entrada que m'has comentat és de l'octubre. Vaig tenir un mal rotllo amb un paio que va entrar aquí només per tocar els nassos i, des d'aquell dia, que se'm va tallar el rotllo. Però no, haig de tornar a entrar perquè, entre d'altres coses, aquí dins hi tinc algun bon amic.
Espero que ens continuem veient.
A reveire! :D
gracies, i si. ens continuem veient.
- aimeric
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