Sorry but it is made in Catalan. I think I can't make a rant like this in English :S
Basically I wish they have all the luck of the world in this new adventure, of course. And yes, I am happy they are now independent but I don't like the way this independence has come. All this has been made as much clumsy as possible -I am talking from everybody,
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Comments 8
Evidentment, amb lo de l'únic punt que deies que podries no estar d'acord amb mi, és una qüestiò de redacció o manera d'explicar-me. Diga-li que són ganes de ser provocatiu amb mi mateix, si vols, perquè no només t'has explicat molt bé, sinó que això que tu dius també ho veig i ho sotscric al 100%.
No, jo m'imagino que sí que els votaré, ves... amb aquella pena i tal. Ara, entenc molt bé que el pecholobo els hi tingui una mania monumental, eh. La veritat és que, en el fons, ja m'agradaria veure el que diu sobre el tema com ell perquè així viuria una mica menys estressat. Però es veu que això de ser català i viure tranquil sense paranoies és una cosa que només es a l'abast dels savis i jo, la veritat, em sembla que em poden els nervis.
Ara mateix corro a prendre'm una dosi de Cola Cao, a veure si se m'endolceix la tarda :D
Una abraçada, maca :)
Thank you very much for you participation, even more being from someone who lives in an important country in this conflict. My main wish is also all that finishes without blood at least. My post was made in Catalan key, of course, not only in Catalan. For nothing in the world I want even a drop of blood for to get the independence of our nation from Spain. But, on the other hand, I believe firmly that our independence (I know that it would get us at least two years of a certain economic unbalance, but no much more because we aren't that poor) is what would be the best to clean our relations with the rest of Spain. Each country has its own problems and nobody isn't healthy to look the problems of the other places of the world making a comparison as if that happened at home (all countries have to learn to understand this, from US until Lichtenstein)
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