Oh, thank you very much and welcome to my Lj page. I am sorry it was just in this hard post. Human being has lot of sides and some brighter too, to be honest. Hve a nice day :)
I've retold your post in Russian for my own LJ page, of course, with the link to the original post. I think it is important for our society now to know such things.
Yes, I also watched it and for me is perfect :) I was surprised for your apparaition and even more today I read your other comment to the post I made some days before. I was curious and I visited your page and then I thought: Oh, another Russian guy! :D (I have some Russian friends in my page and, even I love its beauty, I ever like to remember the terribly unlearned person I am, when I see their posts in Cyrilyc characters in my friends page :D But I love to see them there, call me snob (it's great to see how few we know really from our world: if some of those friends want to insult me, or anything a very nasty thing, they can do it because I have no idea what they say :D) You are very welcome (I think I said it before ;)
Uf, I feel a bit sorry for that depressive post. I think we don't only have a dark side but a light one, a fantastic any animal can even half equal. Another day I promiss to put my mind and look in a place I could see the brighter side of human being. I don't think we are just only a piece of shit as some say but we have to face our worse side from time to time as well. It is healthier except if we enter into a depressive closed circle
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Enriqueta Martí, better known as The Vampire of Barcelona, in 1912eithnepdbDecember 1 2008, 06:24:37 UTC
I really hate to say this to you, but the evil that lies in all humans is frightening. If people say something "depressing" to you, they may be just expressing their feelings on the issue. We all feel what we feel. Why pretend to think otherwise to appease people?
An incredible story, and your point is well made. I've been rereading a lot of Charles Dickens recently, and getting very angry. When I read his books as a kid, I used to think, "thank goodness those terrible days of the 19th century, the exploitation of poor people and children, are gone forever!" This was reinforced by history classes which talked about the Industrial Revolution (appparently American kids never hear about any of that). Things only became better thanks to very hard work and sacrifice on the part of many reformers, who had to fight to civilize society one law at a time. Though, of course, those horrors weren't gone in large parts of the world. And now there's a strong effort on the part of the U.S. government to bring them back, right here, more profitable than ever. There is deregulation of corporations, as though they were somehow so much more ethical than actual people that they don't need to be held responsible for their criminal actions. There's a movement to destroy what's left of universal public
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You can't imagine how honnoured I feel when I see your opinions droping in my Lj! Doesn't matter if I agree or not with, they are ever made with intelligence, by someone who thinks by herself
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I read the story long ago, as well as the Sacamantecas , also on tv. I was especially interested in the case happened in Barcelona, since it is the city I lived and I am a very nostalgic person....:D who enjoys stories of the city, be them obscure or not. I agree with you that we get used to everything. Or, at least, we could, but some are not, and not only about wars, or explotation, but even about having to see misery every day. I was living in a very poor country for ten years! And I never got used to see misery. Is it a blessing? I think it is, even though I suffered a lot from it.
As answer to what you ask to yourself, I think yes, it is a blessing. As I commented to one of my friends above, I only thing I went too far when i said we aren't that far from that high society guys (hey, the perverted ones, high society in itself doesn't mean nothing)becasue the most part of people - even we, from time to time, try to give ourself a bit of importance about how evil we are :D - we don't enjoy with the pain of a kid, for example and our evil is ever ridicule (it's a luck!)
You are a nice person and the world need people like you. Just you will sufer a lot for all those reasons: if you are a nostalgic one, sensitive to the pain of other people - amongst other things - you will sufer for the lost of the beauty of the past, the cultural changes and the pain in the world, etc... as I do :S (the difference is that i am not sure about the kind of person I am :S)
Well, dear, maybe you know me better since you are giving me a definition. As for you, I know you are a good person as well, very sensitive and probably also very uncoformist!
Oh, aquesta història. Em sembla que me la van mencionar a la uni i després va sortir un article a un diari. El que no sabia és que havien sortit dos llibres.
No me'ls llegiré pas, la veritat és que em dona bastant mal rotllo (el mateix em passa amb l'equivalent hongarès, l'Elisateth Bathory, de la que també en va sortir una novel.la i que em feia posar la pell de gallina només de pensar-hi).
Deixant de banda el morbo, l'interessant de la història és el que tu dius, i com de poderosos devien ser els clients, que la famosa llista no ha aparegut mai.
Són aquestes coses... la majoria de les vegades intentem ser racionals, etc. però llavors surten històries com aquesta i et planteges si hi ha coses sota l'aparent normalitat que semblen sortides d'un episodi de Buffy Cazavampiros!
Ai sí, a mi em va donar un mal rotllo que no vaig poder dormir. I, de fet, parlant de morbo, no he comentat moltes de les coses que he trobat. Hi ha molta informació policial esgarrifosíssima (també pobres paios, els que van entrar al pis i es van trobar el cacau...) però penso que no cal arribar a explicar-ho tot, amb pels i senyals
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Comments 32
Hve a nice day :)
I was surprised for your apparaition and even more today I read your other comment to the post I made some days before. I was curious and I visited your page and then I thought: Oh, another Russian guy! :D (I have some Russian friends in my page and, even I love its beauty, I ever like to remember the terribly unlearned person I am, when I see their posts in Cyrilyc characters in my friends page :D
But I love to see them there, call me snob (it's great to see how few we know really from our world: if some of those friends want to insult me, or anything a very nasty thing, they can do it because I have no idea what they say :D)
You are very welcome (I think I said it before ;)
But she didn't act alone - and it's a sad reflection on us as humans that all involved didn't get their just reward.
I didn't find your post depressing. If we are going to share the joys of this world it is important we do not look away from the horrors of it either.
We all feel what we feel. Why pretend to think otherwise to appease people?
I agree with you that by far the majority of people are not evil. Most have good intentions, and everybody has an incredibly good side at times.
But it's amazing the amount of evil that good people will allow to happen by managing not to notice it's happening.
Big hugs
As I commented to one of my friends above, I only thing I went too far when i said we aren't that far from that high society guys (hey, the perverted ones, high society in itself doesn't mean nothing)becasue the most part of people - even we, from time to time, try to give ourself a bit of importance about how evil we are :D - we don't enjoy with the pain of a kid, for example and our evil is ever ridicule (it's a luck!)
You are a nice person and the world need people like you. Just you will sufer a lot for all those reasons: if you are a nostalgic one, sensitive to the pain of other people - amongst other things - you will sufer for the lost of the beauty of the past, the cultural changes and the pain in the world, etc... as I do :S (the difference is that i am not sure about the kind of person I am :S)
But, thank you very much for your compliment: I hope I was so good as you say :)
No me'ls llegiré pas, la veritat és que em dona bastant mal rotllo (el mateix em passa amb l'equivalent hongarès, l'Elisateth Bathory, de la que també en va sortir una novel.la i que em feia posar la pell de gallina només de pensar-hi).
Deixant de banda el morbo, l'interessant de la història és el que tu dius, i com de poderosos devien ser els clients, que la famosa llista no ha aparegut mai.
Són aquestes coses... la majoria de les vegades intentem ser racionals, etc. però llavors surten històries com aquesta i et planteges si hi ha coses sota l'aparent normalitat que semblen sortides d'un episodi de Buffy Cazavampiros!
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