Stephen Moffat, stop breaking my heart.

Jun 04, 2011 20:43

I desperately want a fic where a few more of the Flesh live. Not all of them because that'd be too good even for Doctor Who, but at least one of the doubles. I want fic where Adam gets to have two dads who get along brilliantly and who somehow manage to deal with the whole one-wife thing (who of course reacts in a very Jack-like manner in my mind - going along with it all after an initial moment of shock) and then the Doctor who isn't the Doctor - because he has to live they were just amazing together - finds a place somewhere, and it becomes just normal: Amy and Rory and the Doctor and the Doctor. Or he goes and has his own adventures and finds Jenny or something but every decade or so meets up with himself to chat and maybe he helps solve the problem with Amy and all. Because, and maybe I'm the only one who took this from that episode, but I always thought the Doctor - the Tenth Doctor - didn't want to lose himself, but rather had to. Not just for Rose but because of what he said being true. And that if he could he would have kept them both, because if there's one thing he wants, it's not to be alone.

But yeah. I'd settle for Adam with two dads.
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