Mar 21, 2012 04:08


How do I make order forms for members to fill out?
The html for the order forms you see throughout each catalog in hh_flourish is as follows;

<*textarea>ORDER FORM<*/textarea>

Just remove the * asterisks accordingly and it looks like this:

If one of my tags that I made a while ago fits the current flourish theme, does it still count for themed points?
Yes, regardless of when you make your graphics, if it fits the flourish theme then it counts for themed points!

Another shop owner is using the same images that I use in my shop. Is this allowed?
Unless you are the sole owner of the image, then yes, it is allowed.

Since neither the shop owners or Flourish for that matter own these images, there is nothing we can do about it. Many people browse the same sites for images and people are bound to use the same images, usually purely by accident. If you feel that someone else is 'stealing' your ideas, let us know (via email or pm) and we'll look into it.

Can I create custom fanart and offer it in my shop?
No, custom fanart is much more suited towards hh_sugarquill. You may, however, use custom fanart in specific graphics such as tags, headers, icons, etc. You are also free to use fanart created by others, as long as you get permission and/or credit the artist appropriately.

I want to offer layouts in my shop, but the coding isn't mine. Is this allowed?
Yes, assuming the original creator of the layout doesn't mind that you edit or redistribute it. We do suggest that you make noticeable changes to the css in order to receive points for it, however. We also suggest that you credit the owner of the css somewhere in the layout. Pre-made journal layouts may not be in the catalogs though - they need to be able to be customized for the individual, just like sigtags, icons, etc.

If someone orders themed tags but I don't deliver them until after the theme is over, do they still count for themed points?
No, unfortunately themed tags are only worth 5 points if you deliver them while the theme is still occurring.

Can I order a gift tag for a friend?
Yes, however, gift tags are not worth points outside of Hogsmeade. This is to prevent abuse of the point system/ordering excess tags. Please note that shop owners are not required to make gift tags and it is best to first ask the shop owner if they will accept it.

Can I order a tag for my friend who isn't in HiH?
No. As Flourish is a subsidiary of HiH, all graphics requests need to be for individuals who are members of HiH.

I'm a shop owner and I've been resorted into another house, can I just rename/move my shop to my current house?
Officially, it is required that any member who has successfully appealed and who runs a shop needs to close their shop and reapply/reopen. Even if there is an open spot available, applying is required as to keep everything consistent and fair. You are not required to provide samples if you are only moving your shop immediately, but if you close your shop down for awhile and then come back, you must fill out the shop application completely.

Do all 7 of the sample graphics we provide in our application need to be in one of the current themes?
Yes, you must provide a minimum of 7 graphics, all of which must fall under the current themes, as stated in the shop application post. If you provide more than 7 graphics as examples, then those extra examples are not required to fall under the theme (but please note, even if you give us 10 examples, at least 7 must be theme related). Not anymore! Any 7 HiH graphics will work.

Can I still apply for a shop if all the spots for my house are full?
Yes, even if all available spots are taken, you may still apply for a shop. In that case, we simply add you to a queue. We will let you know that there are no available spaces, but will also tell you how many people are ahead of you so you can anticipate when you will be approved. Once a spot opens up, we will reply to you again, approving you, assigning your tags, and giving you posting access.


Since the ordering limit for tags is 10 tags per person, what do I do if someone orders more than that?
It is entirely up to you. You can either make the excess tags for free, or you can let them know that you can only accept the given limit of tags per person. Either way is fine.

Do all of my Hogsmeade tags have to be Hogsmeade related?
All of your tags must relate specifically to Hogsmeade (hogsmeade shops, entrances, etc.) or to the current Hogsmeade theme, which is decided every Hogsmeade by the Hogsmeade mayor. The third option is gift tags, which are not required to relate to Hogsmeade or the Hogsmeade theme.

Can I include Hogsmeade-themed tags in my catalog and earn 5 points for them?
You may include Hogsmeade-themed tags in your catalog, but none of them would be allowed to carry over to a Hogsmeade shop front. All tags for Hogsmeade must be made specifically for Hogsmeade; nothing currently in a catalog may appear at Hogsmeade. Basically, all tags for Hogsmeade must debut at Hogsmeade; they can't be anything that has appeared in Flourish shops already.

If you happen to have tags in your catalog that fit the Hogsmeade theme, they do not earn 5 points. The 5 points are only allowed to be earned by shops with a shop front at Hogsmeade. Nothing made or delivered prior to Hogsmeade will earn the 5 points allowed for Hogsmeade-themed tags.

How many points are Hogsmeade tags worth?
Hogsmeade tags are worth the standard 4 points, but with the exception that they must fit one of the three Hogsmeade categories. If they do not, they earn 0 points.

When Do Hogsmeade tags have to be delivered by?
All Hogsmeade tags need to be delivered by the end of the month that Hogsmeade was in to count for points, because all Flourish points are submitted at the end of the month.

However, for Flourish to count for your Hogsmeade bonus, you will have 7 days after the close of Hogsmeade to deliver your tags.

Failure to deliver by the last Sunday of the month means they earn 0 points, but you are still expected to deliver them even if you'll be getting 0 points because people still deserve to get their orders.

If you have any further questions that have not been addressed in the FAQ, please leave a comment below. If you have any suggestions or concerns, feel free to leave that here as well. They will be answered as soon as possible. If you have a very pressing matter, pm one of the mods for a prompt response. Comments are screened. Feel free to pm the mod account (flourish_mod) if you have a matter you would like answered privately.

Helpful Links:
Banner Drop-Post
Shop Owner Rules
Most Recent Inactivity Post
Shop Application/Shop Name Change Application
Official Hiatus Requests Post
Shop Closing Post
Themed Tag Check Post

-- the hh-flourish co-mods

faq, mod-posts, links

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