Friends only!

Jul 11, 2018 13:39

some or maybe all of my pictures are gone from my post. that's okay, calm down. it's gone because I started to organize my photobucket album. I'll make sure to make it right later. you know, when I'm in the mood for it. for now, I already repaired my introduction and master list pics. be patient for the other one ;))

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friend's only

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Comments 20

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Re: Hello flow_is_me135 May 15 2011, 03:39:29 UTC
Hello louise!
I saw your introduction on ohjaeho just know XD
You're actually older than me hahahaha XDD
I hope it's okay to call you unnie

Welcome to livejournal then! Hahahahaha.
I'm new on writing too *well, not really*
I'm glad that you're interested with my amateur writing X)

Added back!


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Re: Hello flow_is_me135 May 15 2011, 06:41:46 UTC
Yes, Unnieee, nice to meet you too~~<3
Hahahahaha, you're very welcome :)


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flow_is_me135 May 17 2011, 03:09:11 UTC
Hahahaha. Bebe,you could always read my fics. 95% of it are open to public. I only locked those written by my friend :D

So feel free to read anything that you want :)


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flow_is_me135 January 2 2012, 08:08:46 UTC
Thank you very much!


marslokaret January 1 2012, 16:07:40 UTC
I'm miMar ^___^ from Phil.
What I love doing the most would be scanning and reading yunjae fanfic. For the past 4years of my life, I have been exactly doing that. ^___^
It just makes me happymeverytime I read some awesome, creative and wonderful fanfic. It feels like the world just stop for a moment for me to savor the story ^__^ so yeah, if you could guess, I'm totally in love with yunjae fanfics.

Another thing that I love when I'm searching for a good fanfic is that, I meet a lot of writers
And become friends with them....
I hope you don't mind if we would be friends too ^_^


flow_is_me135 January 2 2012, 08:09:56 UTC
Hello Mimar, nice to know you :))
I would like to be friends with you too!


loveloveyunjae January 9 2012, 12:45:19 UTC
hey, please add me as a friend, wanna read your works. im uhh, just jane maybe haha, that is my second name, i don't like using alias so i'm giving my second name :P i'm also 19 and guess what??? i'm also majoring psychology! yeah girl haha.. hm what else, i'm from philippines by the way.. hope you add me back! thanks :))


flow_is_me135 January 9 2012, 14:32:54 UTC
Hello Jane! Oh my, such a coincidence! XDD
I already added you back. Feel free to read my fics ;D


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