01. Fallen for your best friend?: sort of
02. Made out with JUST a friend?: on occasion
03. Been rejected?: duh, welcome to life
04. Been in love?: define love...
05. Been in lust?: most definately
06. Used someone?: uh huh, didn't start out that way though
07. Been used?: no....never.....ever
08. Cheated on someone?: I allowed someone to cheat on ppl with me....but never cheated in my relationships
09. Been cheated on?: unofortunately
10. Cried over a relationship?: yep
11. Done something you regret?: plently
w h o w a s t h e l a s t p e r s o n . . .
12. You touched?: Sam
13. You talked to?: Perri...she forgot the swipe card to get in so I got paged
14. You hugged?: Brett
15. You instant messaged?: Lila
16. You called?: my sister
17. You yelled at?: my kids
18. You laughed at?: Perri
19. You had a crush on?: not telling ;)
D o Y o u ?
22. Color your hair?: got highlights before I left for NZ...but not hardcore like SUSAN
24. Piercings?: 4...soon to be 6
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yep
26. Floss daily?: no, i really should though
27. Own a webcam?: that's illegal to give me one of those
28. Ever get off the computer?: yep
29. Sprechen sie deutsche?: Ich liebe Dich
30. Habla espanol?: es verdad
G e n e r a l Q u e s t i o n s
40. Considered a life of crime?: i would love to lead a dangerous and exciting life
41. Considered being a hooker?: i got my kids needs to think about...
42. Considered being a pimp?: um, not so much
43. Are you psycho?: most of the time
45. Schizophrenic?: not that I know of
46. Obsessive?: it can happen
47. Obsessive compulsive?: no thank god
48. Panic?: twice
49. Anxiety?: try not to...it's happened though
50. Depressed?: nothing more than slight tennage angst.
51. Suicidal?: nope
52. Obsessed with Hate?: fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side...so no
53. Think you're good looking?: i think I can be if i lose the weight i put on in NZ and try to look pretty
54. Think you're smart?: only on things I wanted to learn about...
R a n d o m S t u f f . . .
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: home
56. What would you be doing?: lots of people
58. What are you listening to?: my dog and tv
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body?: i can put my ankles behind my head
60. Do you like fish?: when im eating them
61. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it is?: i have lots...horsies, doggies, kitties, white tigeries, dolphinies
C u r r e n t l y :
62. Current Clothes: big beer t-shirt stolen from a guy
63. Current Mood: bouncy...and mad about the washing machies in my building!
64. Current Taste: coke and ritz sticks- they're perfect for dipping!
65. Current Hair: ponytail
66. Current Annoyance: the fact that i gave up smoking and now i have a headache
67. Current Smell: the smell of old eggs and tunafish has finally left
68. Current thing I ought to be doing: sleeping
69. Current Desktop Picture: cool leaf picture
70. Current Favorite Music Group/artist:oh god...can't list the whole thing
71. Current Book: just finished Hilter's Scientists
72. Current DVD In Player: none
73. Current Beverage:coke
74. Current Worry: My trip to Africa
F a v o r i t e s :
76. Food: mac and cheese, cheese dip, pizza rolls, ramen, kumara (sweet potato), cornbeef, mashed potato, and onion pie. don't diss the pie until you try it!!!
77. Drink: dr.pepper
78. Color: lilac and sky blue
79. Shoes: my teva flip flops
80. Candy: cadbury mousse, starbursts, m &ms, reese, creamsavers, hersey kisses, gummi coke bottles, gummi bears from rave motion pictures theatres.
81. Fruit: pineapple, rock melon (the orange melon that i can't spell), strawberries, grapes
82. Movie: Clockwork Orange
83. Dance: cotton-eyed joes
84. Vegetable: corn, potato, kumara, brocceli, lettuce,
F u t u r e :
85. What do you want to be when you get older?: marine biologist, teacher, or international affairs
86: Married: are you asking if i am- in which case....no, if i want to be then yes
87: Kids: maybe 4- if i can support them
88: Living Where?: where-ever i have an amazing job
T h i s o r T h a t :
89: Innie or Outie?: Innie
90: Boxers or Briefs?: boxer briefs bitches!
91: Reading or Writing?: reading...fuck writing
92: Basketball or Baseball?: basketball
93: Walking or Running?: Jogging
95: Left or Right?: i like the left in general, but i'll in either direction
96: TV Shows or Movies?: depends on the options at the time and what im in the mood for....so both
97: Britney or Christina?: christina....she can actually sing
98: Rap or Rock?: Rock
99: Day or Night?: Night
100. What do people call you?: gen-i (Jen-nay)