I just finished Doctor Who, and I feel like a babbling idiot. I should not be crying this hard, yet I am. I should not be this emotionally entangled in a family fucking television program, yet I am. It such a foolish thing; it's so hard to admit. Russell T Davies made me cry and I know why. I don't want to know why.
:'( )
Comments 60
In response to Rose and clone!Doctor I will respond with a gif in honor of Fry.
( ... )
That's for making me laugh. I still haven't watched Strangers with Candy. ♥
I stand by my opinion as the best part of it all was the 23 second teaser for Christmas.
They just won't let me move on. Do they want me to mourn her forever. God, I miss Tosh so much. ♥ Ross totally belonged because Ten adored Ross. I still haven't figured out why -- he was cute etc etc -- but he adored me.
I'm not looking forward to Cybermen though. Other than that, I'm good. I cannot wait.
Did the Doctor mention how he wiped her memory? Does he have a timey-wimey Time Lord device for that, or did he swipe some Retcon from Jack? If the latter is the case, then we may have a chance at seeing Donna again. She's proven that she's strong and capable enough of a lot of things, and I think she'd pick up on clues and hints if they were left around (like Gwen did when she was first Retconned). She might not believe she's able to do so at this point, but we know she can! I think we'd have a good shot at hearing from Donna again if the Doctor used the Retcon method. Otherwise... *tear*
I was guessing it was just with the touch of a Time Lord™. They really did not show anymore, but from what I gather from the episode, it had to be it. Also the look Donna had in her eyes when Ten started to get closer... it just clicked for me. Damn. *cries*
ILU. You have no idea how much I laughed when I read that.
Donna is definitely one of my favorite companions (I would say the favorite, but I can't help but love Turlough just the tiniest bit more) because she is so easy to relate to. I really don't know why. You'd think being nearly the same age as Rose that she would be the person I'd identify with, but nooo. There's just something about Donna.
I started out relating to Rose, but after a couple episodes, I just couldn't. But Donna, everything about her was just slightly me. I believe everyone who liked Donna just understood that feeling. It's hard to explain, but I don't know why. She was Donna and everyone feels like Donna at some point in their life.
... Wow, I just did not make any sense.
I particularly didn't like the giant, gaping plot hole that we were all but told to basically ignore so that the Tennant/Rose (b/c that is what it really amounts to in this instance) shippers could have their happy ending.
So clone!Ten is human w/a Time Lord mind and Donna is also human w/a Time Lord mind - does that mean that Rose is going to wake up the next morning on parallel Earth to clone!Ten combusting due to his teeny, tiny human brain not being able to handle the awesome knowledge of the Time Lords? Eg., HUGE GIANT FUCKING PLOT HOLE.
And I would totally write AU Doctor/Donna fic except that I'm not really a writer and while I have all these really detailed ideas for various fics in my head (some I have written partially) when I sit down to write them . . . bad.
I wish Tate would have signed on for more than one series. I'm going to miss her presence in Doctor Who. She and Tennant had unbelievable chemistry with each other; you could just tell they truly enjoyed working with one another. God, Donna was the best thing to come out of Nu Who so far, and now it's gone.
I cannot wait fanfaction, at all. I am terrible at it. So, I am know relying on other people. It's hard because it isn't like the Donna/Ten community is large. We are only a tiny faction of this crazed fandom.
I just stopped crying. I kept repeating in my mind, "You are absolutely daft for crying. Come on, stop crying." After a good thirty minutes, it worked.
I hope they bring her back. I honestly do. Catherine wants to come back and fuck, THEY BROUGH ROSE AND MARTHA BACK, WHY NOT DONNA? EVERYONE LOVES DONNA.
Donna. Donna. Donna. Donna. Donna. Donna.
I feel like I should do a picspam of my favorite Donna moments. That is how much I am going to miss her. I just don't go doing picspams. They take a lot of time and effort to make. EVERYONE DOES LOVE DONNA...
At least the ones with sense.
Hahah, I'm making a Top 5 Donna Noble moments and a fanmix for her. And probably a picspam as well.
She deserves all the love she could possibly get. We should declare next week DONNA NOBLE WEEK. Seriously, she needs it.. even if she's fictional.
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