So say we all.

Dec 01, 2010 12:02

Not only I am disappointed this program got cancelled (though, I should have expected it the moment they pushed backed then pushed forward the mid-season premiere date; hindsight is twenty/twenty), I cannot even pretend the series finale's "The Shape of Things to Come" fast foward did not pique my curiosity.

Caprica 1.18 Apotheosis )

caprica, geekdom, brighter discontent

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Comments 3

partaken December 1 2010, 21:17:59 UTC
Ugh, all of this. ALL OF THIS. Maybe I will able to be more coherent once I get home/take a nap, but essentially, I think you've covered all my feelings here. Lacy, LACY. Her storyline has been so outstanding, and how angry am I that we'll never get to see how she became head of the church? Very. Forever.

The Greystones were outstanding as always. They were so fucking amazing this episode, I didn't know what to with myself. The Adamas! Gosh. Though I also agree about Tamara. I'm sad we didn't get to see more of her, because I'm sure she would have been as fascinating as every other character on the show.

That flash forward was simultaneously the worst and the best thing ever, because it just makes it more depressing that this show was cancelled when it had so much potential. I mean, not that, like you said, there was ever that much hope for it, with the way it was handled, but still :( Still :(

BASICALLY I JUST REHASHED WHAT YOU SAID IN YOUR POST. I feel like my feelings can only be expressed by a Simple Plan song, to be honest.


flowerings December 2 2010, 03:45:33 UTC
Monica, darling. I UNDERSTAND YOU WHOLEHEARTEDLY. I am still at a loss for words, and it was so perfect. I don't know how I am going to live knowing this fantastic series only got one series. :(


crazyumbrellas December 2 2010, 07:02:32 UTC
You know, I love my BSG but I feel like I might have ended up loving Caprica even more if it kept up at this rate. Nothing will make this cancellation okay and really, Blood & Chrome is fucking salt on the wound ( ... )


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