FluffPillow’s Points of Today.
- Mid-terms madness =[ DAM i hate tests...
- And today was a very cold morning and i knew i should’ve warn more layers and brought my scarf... T_T
- Was freezing like hell.. hope i don’t get sick...
- Well anyways...
Heh so i had just gotten out of my science class and guess what...
IT WAS SNOWINGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heh its still October but its already snowing!!!
Don’t know if you can clearly see it in the picture... but OMGGGG... a huge smile was across my face when I saw it xD...
Then i stayed back to study and went to my study group and left early but it was dark... and STILL snowing... first time driving in the dark with snow xD...
On my way home
I think i might’ve hit an animal T_T... hopefully not...
Well this is fluffpillow studying for tomorrow’s two mid-terms tests.. right after she gets done with posting in her journal xD
Wish me luck <3