Fanfic - Torchwood - Team: Orgy, 1/1

Nov 15, 2009 23:06

So, I've got a bunch of open stories on my taskbar, and they all hate me. This is a discouraging state of affairs, so I offer existing fic to the gods of writing in hopes of help out of the doldrums (also, if the gods of writing choose to indulge me, I beg they not do so at freaking three in the morning again, as my light tends to wake up other people, and also the cat, who will try to nom something unnomable in retaliation, and also because I'm really tired and I can't sleep in tomorrow as I have to drive my grandfather to a doctor's appointment at an unknown hour).

Summary: He'd always wanted to use that line.

Pairing: Ianto/Jack/Tosh/Owen

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Torchwood, and its characters: Not mine.

Team: Orgy

It starts with a yelp from Tosh, then Owen letting loose a string of curse words. Jack realizes a second too late what it is, and has to physically throw Gwen away from the opening to beat her inside.

"Code 72!" he barks, and when she freezes, elaborates, "meaning known hostile alien tech, set up a twenty meter perimeter and block all surveillance on us. Liaise with the police if you need the manpower, but get out of here."


"We'll get out when it's safe!" Tosh gasps, and drops to her knees in shock.

Then the door closes behind him with the sound of a car being very quietly crushed to death. He faces his team. He should rearrange his face, fix his expression -- staring at them like he's just signed death orders on them is not going to reassure anyone, and they're going to need him to be reassuring.

"Code 72?" Ianto asks before he can figure out how to hide his guilt.

"I know it. That's enough."

"Bugger," Owen mutters, and he winces. They're going to need to trust him, whether he's being reassuring or not, and his medic's been through a touch too much lately.

"Look, I'll explain everything later, but right now, we're under a time crush. This chamber's going to slowly pump out the oxygen until its computer is convinced we're complying, so we've got about thirty minutes to be started."

"Lovely, death by suffocation, haven't done that one in a while," Owen gripes. He doesn't ask who nearly suffocated, or when, or why -- if he doesn't know, it probably happened while he was gone, and he's already read those reports thoroughly enough to know that what isn't said will probably never be. "So what's it want us to do?"

Ianto is going to kill him for this, he thinks to himself with a wry grin, but he's always wanted to use this line.

"We have to have sex, or we're all going to die."

pairing: jack/ianto/tosh/owen, nanowrimo, fandom: torchwood, fanfiction

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