Fanfic - Big Wolf on Campus - Diaries, 1/1

Aug 01, 2010 01:25

Summary: Merton & Tommy

Pairing: Merton/Tommy if you really, really squint

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: None

Author's Notes: Diaries Drabble.

Disclaimer: Big Wolf on Campus: not my show.

Big Wolf on Campus Diaries


Merton has been keeping diaries since he was six years old. The early ones were full of spelling mistakes and really questionable grammar, but he keeps them anyway. He figures if anyone ever decides to do a biography of his life, they should have all the material he can possibly leave them.

(He doesn't consider that very few people would have any idea what an eight-year-old was doing writing magic spells in pseudo-latin, much less what that would have to do with anything really great he'd do later in life. Merton also doesn't quite realize that the only people who would ever be able to write his biography would be the ones who understand him, which keeps the potential author pool vanishingly small. He's taught himself not to look at his own contradictions, but Tommy would have told him, if he asked.)

Of course, as time went on, he diversified in the kinds of diaries he wrote. Tiny books with glossy covers and really flimsy locks don't tend to be all that practical for writing long entries, and anyway, he outgrew anything that had anthropomorphized reptiles on the front long ago. By the time he was in high school, he'd shifted mostly to livejournal, where he could post anything he wanted the public to read. And also fanfiction. The stuff he still wrote down in longhand was the stuff that really couldn't be made public. Like his observations on Tommy's werewolfy powers. Well, okay, that one had started out as a research journal, but he eventually realized he spent way too much time squeeing like a little girl to call it that, so now it was The Diary of Awesome Stuff Tommy We Did.

He's got another, even more private, that sits on the same locked shelf as the ones he's been keeping more-or-less faithfully since his first. He doesn't write in it every night, or on any kind of schedule at all. But he pulls it down at least once a week. It's big, and heavy, and bound in red leather (thank you, internet marketplace), and on the rare occasions he leaves it out Becky figures it's one of his creepy books, and won't touch it.

Inside is what he feels, and he kinda figures it's better if Tommy never knows about it, just in case he decides to read it.


Tommy's never actually kept a diary, but he has a lot of them. His Great-Aunt Fern sent one every birthday, without fail, just like she did for all her nieces, and his brother. It used to piss Dean off, back when they were kids and his big brother was this really cool guy who played sports with him and thought diaries were for girls. Tommy'd always kind of figured, okay, whatever, it's not like they're pink, and used them for planning football plays and designing really cool cars.

By the time he's in highschool, the diaries have been relegated to a box on the floor of his already jumbled closet. Once a year, he tosses a new one in, pages unmarked because the cars and plays had moved on to bigger sheets of paper, and nothing ever took their place.

Then he turns into a werewolf, and meets Merton, and he gets why Aunt Fern thought he and Dean might want a place for private self-reflection. Because he's not that guy, but apparently guys like that do exist, and not just in her imagination. Apparently, some guys need whole shelves of diaries, going back to before they could shop for themselves, judging by what he finds one day when he's bored enough to go through his best friend's stuff.

Something about one of them really bugs him, though. It isn't until he goes home and digs through his box that he gets it, and wonders who picked the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for his friend, and if he'd want another.

one-shot, fandom: big wolf on campus, diaries fic, fanfiction

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