Mommy has been very very busy with school and the band and work and the new house.
She tells us we are going to the new house tomorrow. We are excited and apprehensive at the same time. We won't have time to update in the next week or so... so mommy is helping us put up some pictures she took a while ago.
Here I am looking out the window and watching the snow.
Mommy why aren't you happy? The snow is so pretty!!!
Here's a close up of Ollie
And a close up of moi
Snuggling on the couch nice and comfy...
Me being punished. Daddy calls this a "time out". I HATE IT. I promise to be good and he lets me go. But if I'm not really good, he times me out again. So mean.
We want to send out special lovins to our friend Karla. *sending extra special kitty snuggles* You can never have too much kitty love!
We hope to catch up with our kitty friends again soon! Much love and lots of kitty cuddles!!!