Title: In the Arms of an Angel (2/?)
Pairing/s: EunHae, broken!HaeSica, implied!YeWook, implied!HanChul, implied!KangTeuk
Characters: DongHae, EunHyuk, LeeTeuk, HeeChul, HyoYeon (SNSD), RyeoWook, YeSung
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slight mentions of death, supernatural...
Disclaimer: Title from the song by Sarah McLachlan. I have no connection with SM or the
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Comments 6
Btw, I'm loving the way you have portrayed Hyukjae here. Gives me a feeling of innocence and pureness and all^^
Donghae felt like he’d just leaped out into space, weightless in an never-ending fall.
lovelovelove this. <3
hyuk is extra-terrestrial being and hae is being extra whipped.
this chapter gave me rather airy and anticipated feeling, felt like there're still so much more to reveal..
and you describe hyuk the way i imagined him to be. it's awesome~
update moaaaar~ :DD
I'll hurry!
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