Title: All Night Long - chapter eight.. Series: Damned If I Don't, Damned If I Do. Rating: R Pairings: Buffy/Faith Summary: Curses can pass from one generation to the next, even without biology involved.
Camp NaNo begins on 1st April but with the Easter holidays taking up two weeks of it I'd be lucky to hit 1000 words so I've decided to do something different
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So I finally caved after two days and bought a new laptop . . . five months ago. It has taken me until now to find my bloody password. Anyway for anyone still reading, I'm back :)
Title: All Night Long - chapter eight.. Series: Damned If I Don't, Damned If I Do. Rating: R Pairings: Buffy/Faith Summary: Curses can pass from one generation to the next, even without biology involved.
So first day went well and getting up wasn't a problem because I hardly slept all night anyway. I enjoyed it. It wasn't as tricky to pick up as I was expecting and I tell you it was a hell of a lot warmer in the store than out of it this morning
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