Oct 17, 2005 02:13
funny = avenged sevenfold on spankin new on mtv
kids, don't listen to what people tell you. skip college, you will enjoy life better plus you can make as much at outback as you can make with a degree. damn the man
Oct 15, 2005 12:17
taylor, haha i just got a newsletter from june and it was asking people to vote for video patrick, and i was like score they have a video! and i watch it and guess what it renacts.....STAND BY ME! AHHHHHH, how great is that. i was like "m to the muttha f*uckin g, no way"
Oct 13, 2005 11:09
Holy Mary Mother of God! we finally got cable and internet back. tis a glorious day but alas its time for work...damn it
Aug 27, 2005 02:07
this was quite the eventful night, crazy stuff i say....must update later
Aug 23, 2005 13:19
i replied like posted a reply like 3 or 4 times to you when you replied to my last update but it doesn't show up so i give up lol.
Aug 22, 2005 18:51
lacie got a job at ben and jerry's & made it through her first day of college....woot woot
Aug 21, 2005 23:26
i was watching advanced warning and they played this a song by a band called the fray, and i really like them so yall should check em out to see if you do too :) the song i heard was called "over my head (cable car)"