leftover chinese in the morning

Jan 06, 2004 10:27

(really long entry here, warning ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

xanchoredheartx January 7 2004, 22:02:59 UTC
haha, i find it kinda funny that you actually used something from my incoherent rambling, and actually REMEMBERED it.. haha, it's kinda flattering actually...
strange that someone actually reads it though.. ha

how long are you in chi-town anyway?!


in chitown fluffybumblebee January 8 2004, 15:00:49 UTC
till the 12th! yah i just started to come back to the livejournal world... but i still didnt read like everyone's that i wanted to... dude i bet tons of people read that.



yo ryanames January 24 2004, 18:22:34 UTC
THanx for mentioning me! I liek your hair in that pic. below!


no prob hun fluffybumblebee January 28 2004, 20:37:53 UTC
i wrote a song about "comfortable silences" and now that the subject was expressed.. i feel better. but i still miss those times.


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