holla if ya miss me

Jan 04, 2004 13:40

so i arrived in chicago saturday nite, barely making the departure, the train ride seemed really short--i was reading and listening to music, mostly kid bro, since going to their last show made me all teary. i was surprised to find the lack of saginaw kids support but whatever. It was a totally emotional show. ettison clio rocked out, i got tons ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

burneweb January 5 2004, 20:53:21 UTC
Wow... I haven't 'seen' you on LJ in a while

You probably don't even know me now but you were one of my first 'friends' when I started my LJ :)

Glad things are going well for you




whothefuckismic January 5 2004, 21:07:13 UTC
i just added you to my friend's list...did you move to chicago or are you just visiting??

In anycase..my acoustic duo thang is playing wednesday night at The Bottom Lounge. the info is at

if you come out..you should say hi!!


well both fluffybumblebee January 5 2004, 22:25:23 UTC
i'm just visiting right now, but after this semester i'm gonna move to (somewhere hip hopefully) chicago to go to the art institute for fashion design and photography. i do mostly band photography.

i'll try to make it out on wednesday, i just need to find the place!



Re: well both whothefuckismic January 5 2004, 22:32:48 UTC
cool. do you live shots or promo shots??

let me know if you think you'll make it and i'll give you great directions. It's actually steps away from the red/brown line belmont stop.


of course fluffybumblebee January 6 2004, 00:17:01 UTC
i have a huge library of digi pictures, and a lot of prints, none with me thogh, my website is down, but my aim name is Schnuffee if you'd like to keep in touch,

yeah i think i'd really like to go on wednesday, i'll need those directions though!

thanks a lot


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