Title: Wondering [in Circles]
Fandom: Divergent series
Prompt: Gone
Medium: fic
Chapters: 1/1
Wordcount: 251
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for end of Allegiant.
Summary: She wished she didn't have to leave him. That was all he had left. That was what he could build on.
Other notes: Four/Tris. Written for lj community 1_million_words March Bingo.
Four wonders - had he been able to access his fear landscape that final day, if she would have appeared in it again. Losing her, losing what they were, the promise of what they could be. Maybe he could have shown her his fears, the one involving her. If she had seen them, seen and felt how much he feared losing her, instead of just the words from his lips that he did fear losing her, would she have thought more before she stopped Caleb, before she chose to go into the Weapons Lab herself?
No, he couldn’t think like this, couldn’t run himself ragged wondering about all the ifs. Tris was herself, the girl he had fallen in love with, burning so brightly that it sometimes hurt to look at her - he couldn’t have stopped her from being herself and nothing he would have said, feverish fears or cold rationale, would have stopped Tris from doing what she thought was right.
“… she didn’t want to leave you.”
Many words are unspoken, won’t ever be. She won’t come back, she knew she might not, but she chose the risk of dying so that there could be a better tomorrow for everyone, including him.
He has those final words from her, the memories of her. It will never be enough, but he has to move on, at least for her. With his mother, with everyone left, with a world he is still getting to know.
He hopes she will watch him.