About Me & the Blog

Aug 31, 2006 00:56

I've had a passion for music my whole life; my mom was a DJ with a classical baroque show, and my dad had me listening to Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn from the day I was born. I'm told that I used to chew my rice cereal along with the beat to every song. I learned to play several instruments, and I'm the proud owner of a beautiful vintage silver tenor sax. My parents always encouraged musical learning and considered buying me CDs part of my education. For this, I love them dearly :D

I went on to become a DJ myself and had a spot twice a week, called The Best Ever! It described not only the music being played, but the lovely hostess as well :P I got some great reviews from people that know their music, and I'm very proud of that. Sometimes I'd get accosted in the grocery store by fans who told me that under no circumstances should I stop doing my show.

Unfortunately for them and fortunately for me, I've moved to Santa Cruz to pursue an education and live with my lovely boyfriend. However, I miss doing my show and I love to share music. So I've made a place where I can share my passion with others. I may not be reaching as wide of an audience, but I really don't mind at all. If I can give just one person one song that they'll cherish, I'm happy :D

I'll post just about every genre of music here. As much as I used to resist admitting it, there are good artists in every field of music. I'm not sure how regularly I'll update, especially because I'm a notorious procrastinator, but I'll try and reward you guys if I mess up.

Songs will stay up for an undetermined amount of time. Basically until I run out of space at my host and have to delete stuff. I host my files at my own webspace, hobik.org.

Due to RIAA scares and such, this blog will be a friends-only community, but it's open membership so everyone can join without having to wait! Yay instant gratification!
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