Litany In Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out, a Damon/Elena picspam

Jul 28, 2012 16:39

For those of you who may not be aware:
In the corner of TVD fandom where I mostly reside, there is this obsession (I am not kidding. It's an obsession.) with a poet, Richard Siken, and especially his one poem, titled Litany In Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out. The obsession manifests itself in many shapes and forms: people's journals have titles from the poems, the lines from the poems are prompted on all the ficathons, mentioned in metas and focuses of fics, maybe even icons. In this case it's a picspam. What I tried to do started as an impossible idea: combine every line from the poem (which is about 150 lines) with different screencaps of scenes from The Vampire Diaries, focusing on Damon and Elena. TAH-DA. It's here, behind the curtaincut.

ETERNAL thanks to my betas and moral supporters (in order of appearance, I think?): upupa-epops, who not only cheered this idea on and was FABULOUS moral support, but also provided advice and helped with the choices. If it wasn't for you, Marta, this probably would never have become more than an idea. You are to blame, just saying. ever-neutral, YOU WERE AMAZING, with your LOAD of constructive criticism which helped this picspam grow into its final form. youcallitwinter, who was awfully excited and cheered me on and read my ~1000 words of non picspam related stories, while I should have been working on the picspam. And finally, vergoldung, who cheered me on and SHAMELESSLY blackmailed me into finishing it quickly.

Bless you all.

Note: The picspam contains images from all of the series, season 1 to season 3. Beware of spoilers if you haven't seen it.

salvatore as in savior, siken has ruined me, fandom: the vampire diaries, picspam, healthy life choices what are those, morally dubious princess

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