Title: And The Doctor Makes Four
fluffygremlinCharacters/Pairings: Eleven, River, and Jack
Summary: “Torchwood Four is lost but we’ll find it someday.”
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.
And The Doctor Makes For
The TARDIS gave a lurch as it landed heavily to begin the refueling process. The Doctor hmm’d to himself for a minute before heading towards the door without a backwards glance at the monitors.
“C’mon along,” he called over his shoulder. He listened for a moment for the sound of swift, booted footsteps before pulling open the door and stepping out.
“I’m not sure why she was fighting so much to get here but hopefully she’ll… settle… down…” He trailed off as he looked at the large gun being held steadily in front of his nose.
“Oh not again,” the woman behind him said as she stepped out of the TARDIS.
“I don’t think we’re in Cardiff anymore,” the Doctor muttered. His hand twitched at his side as he fought the urge to adjust the bowtie that felt like it was getting tighter and tighter around his neck.
“Welcome to Torchwood Four, Doctor.”
“Gwen, I really don’t have time to discuss this right now.” Jack fiddled with his vortex manipulator as he tried to scan the limestone wall in front of him.
“I really think this is a bad idea.” Jack rolled his eyes as the woman continued the same argument he had ended the day before. “You shouldn’t have run off to do this alone. I mean… a strange signal, Jack? Really?”
“Duly noted,” he said sarcastically. He reached out one hand and lightly ran it over the damp stone. “C’mon, baby,” he muttered.
“Jack?” Gwen’s voice was tinny in his ear.
Jack sighed and poked at the wall, trying to find the right spot.
“Jack…” Gwen sounded more frustrated.
“Sorry, can’t hear you. Terrible reception down in the bowels of the Earth. Have a nice Christmas, give Rhys my love, and I’ll be home by New Year’s so don’t wait up!” He chuckled as he pulled the ear piece away from his head, Gwen’s voice still rattling at him through the tiny speaker.
Jack took a step back to reevaluate his position. The old caverns were poorly lit in this area, probably because no one was supposed to be in there. At least, that’s what the sign Jack had ducked under had said. He listened to the steady dripping sound coming from deeper in the cave as he chewed on his lip. Letting his eyes sweep the wall, he finally noticed a small dark patch on the otherwise light colored wall. Several years of fingers pressing in the same spot had caused a chemical reaction in the very strong before him.
“Gotcha!” Jack grinned. He reached forward only to pull back at the last second. Thinking for a moment, he slipped his Webley from its holster and double checked it was loaded before reaching out for a another try.
It took a heartbeat before Jack felt a gentle rumbling in the stone beneath his feet. The wall in front of him moved slowly, opening just wide enough for him to slip through before grinding closed again. He tightened his grip on the familiar weapon in his hand and made his way down the short corridor. At its end stood a tall metal door, emblazoned with a single letter…
The Doctor crossed his legs and sighed. The woman seated in front of him continued ignoring him as she focused on the readings being displayed on the monitor in front of her. Her male counterpart had disappeared with River awhile ago but the woman kept her weapon sitting beside her keyboard, conveniently pointed right at the Doctor’s chest.
“These manacles are rather chaffy,” he complained, rattling the heavy steel cuffs for added effect. “I really don’t feel they’re necessary. It’s not as if I can leave without rescuing my companion from your diabolical clutches first.” When the woman didn’t react he continued, “This is me trying to strike up a conversation.”
“And this is me ignoring you,” the woman said calmly. The Doctor sighed again, loudly, before turning his attention back to the area immediately around him. Although the space they were in was quite large, it was also quite empty. In the center of the room was an large area that was cordoned off by a high metal railing. Several desks were set up around it, separated by tall screens, and each one was covered in bits and pieces of alien technology. The cavern appeared to be natural stone, which could explain why the wiring ran over the top of it under the metal grating that made up the floor.
The Doctor was about to do his impression of Marley’s ghost again when the woman turned in her chair to face him.
“Diabolical clutches?” she asked, an incredulous look causing a crease to form between her eyebrows.
“I thought it sounded nice,” the Doctor said, pulling a face. The woman looked at him for several minutes, reminding the Doctor far too much of an old school teacher. Finally she sighed and sat back in her chair, crossing her feet in front of her. He noticed that the shoes she had on were well worn and her trousers were cutoff just below the knee.
“Your… companion… was taken downstairs for a little one on one time. Don’t worry,” she held up her hand as the Doctor was about to object, “Thomas isn’t going to do anything to her… although he might flirt with her.”
“She’ll love that.” He was about to try and convince her to release him when he heard heavy booted feet echoing through the room. The thin man, Thomas, was just making his way around the odd, empty area when the lights went red and an alarm began blaring.
“I didn’t do it,” he called out as he ran over to one of the computer terminals, brushing dust away from the screen as he punched at the keyboard. The woman turned back to her own monitor, grabbing the gun that rested beside it as she did so.
“Proximity alarm,” she said calmly. Another moment passed and the alarms stopped. “Is it Christmas Eve already?”
“I lost track a couple weeks back,” the man turned to her, both forgetting the Doctor completely. The woman stood up and slipped her gun into the holster that was tied to her thigh. She studied her monitor again for a moment before turning around.
“Bring the woman back in here and do it quickly. I don’t trust him any further than I can throw him.”
“I’m very aerodynamic,” the Doctor piped up. The woman rolled her eyes and was about to reply when Thomas interrupted.
“I don’t think you should go up alone,” he said as he came forward to grab her arm. The woman shook him off quickly. “Kit!” he called after her as she began to walk away towards what the Doctor could assume was the front door. The woman waved blithely as she made her way through the maze of desks.
“So… um…” The Doctor cleared his throat. Thomas scowled at him before disappearing back the way he had first came. “So I’ll just stay right here then.”